During Maths Week, 5th class cretaed their own word problems for the class to solve. We looked at different operations and what kind of words we needed to use in our word problems to tell our friends how to solve them!
We also worked to create some 2D shape tessellation art work. We used an irregular shape to really test our skills and we created some excellent art work!
6th class decided to take part in a Design and Make STEM activity to celebrate Halloween!
Take a look at the instructions below! We were given a task to design and make a 3D Hallowe’en monster or ghost and we had to make it move!
We had to follow these instructions!
We had to ensure all the instructions were followed carefully and accurately!
We used classroom materials to make our creations and we were impressed by each groups individuality and creativity!
Ensuring design is decorated!
Design process!
Testing for movement.
Final preparations!
Using our knowledge from ‘Energy and Forces’ in our Science lessons, each team identified and explored how best to move our monsters/ ghosts! Some pushed, some pulled, some used wind energy (of sorts!) and some created simple machines, like ‘ziplines’!
We were impressed with the movement we created, in such different ways!
Zip line in action!
Using wind power to move a ghost by using our breath!
Handles to create movement! Working to the timer!
We’d recommend this Design and Make challenge to other classes, as it was easy to take part in and we got to see some Science in action in only 16 minutes!
3rd Class had great fun taking part in Math’s Week and took the chance to take part in some fun activities. We split into teams and took part in a Math’s trail around the school and classroom (special thanks to Ms. Kane for designing the trail).
We took part in an Online Math’s Week Quiz run by Wexford Education Centre and enjoyed trying to solve the problem questions.
We finally finished off the week with some Pizza Fractions. We learned about equivalent fractions then ate quarters and eights of pizzas!!
4th class had so much fun taking part in the Mini Scientist this year. There were so many interesting questions that the children came up such as;
What is the PH Level of different soaps and how does this effect the soap?
How, when and why do scabs occur?
What is implosion and how does it occur?
What skincare reacts with water the best and feels the best on your face?
Does fertilizer help grass grow more quickly?
What makes a plant grow more quickly- honey, vinegar, sugar or water?
Does the chromatography of a marker change with different liquids?
Our winning project this year was ‘Is a human smarter in the morning, after little break or at the end of the day?’ which was completed by Ava, Nicole and Davyd. We wish them the best of luck in representing our school in the Mini Scientist final.
This week 4th class celebrated Math’s week by playing fun games in stations, using math week word problems to challenge ourselves and by going on a Math Trail. Take a look at our pictures to see how much fun we had!
6th class are enjoying a great Maths Week and taking part in lots of different activities!
We joined a Mega Maths Quiz online on Tuesday that required lots of problem solving skills to get the answers – we’re still not sure about some of them! It was a great opportunity to work together as a class and we had to explain a lot of our thinking to each other and in our final answers that we submitted.
On Wednesday we took part in a Maths Trail around the school. It was great fun! We worked in teams to arrive at our answers and covered questions about Measures, Data and Number. Putting our Maths skills to the test was a great chance for us to make sure we understand the concepts fully!
We worked inside the school and outside to measure lengths and widths, to estimate, to count data on vehicles, to discuss symmetry and to calculate information based on how old our school is.
Data collection!Not missing any vital information!Sample questions…
We’re looking forward to continuing our Maths Week celebrations with some Maths riddles today!
6th class have been busy baking this year! Baking lessons allow us to put our practical Maths skills to use – weighing, measuring and timing – and also give us an opportunity to engage in some procedural writing.
So far this year, we have made banana bread and fairy cakes. We work in groups and each have different responsibilities when it comes to following Liz’s delicious recipes!
Take a look below at our lessons in action:
Finished products!
Ready to bake!
Say cheese!
Before the taste – test!
All of our recipes are on display in the 6th class corridor, let us know if you would like a copy to try out yourself!
We think baking is a great way to celebrate Maths Week too! We highly recommend getting involved in some active learning 😊
3rd Class celebrated Space Week with different activities each day. We learned all about the earth and the different layers that make up the planet. We then molded our own planets out of clay and painted the layers from core to mantle.
While learning about the moon we decided to check out how craters are formed with a fin experiment involving flour, cocoa powder and various sized marbles.
We tested out which type of cola would make the best “Rocket Fuel” with the coke and mentos experiment. We figured the cola that produced the highest fountain would have the greatest force and therefore the make the best fuel.
Finally we were delighted to take part in the Dream Space webinar all about our solar system and learning how to code our own Space Invader computer game.