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14 Sep

Hello and happy new school year to one and all!

What a fantastic fortnight we have already had. We’re adjusting to life in 6th Class, taking on new responsibilities and jobs and getting to grips with lots of new work. We spent the first week and a half getting to know each other, making sure our new pupils know where everything is and who everyone is, setting up our class shop (more on that later!), organising our room, labelling and numbering our books and copies, and doing our autumn tests! We also made out the rotas for cocoa duty, fruit delivery, roll book delivery, PE equipment supervision and Infant helpers for lunchtime. It has been non-stop. We are trying to be very responsible and look after everyone in school. We’ll take a class photo soon and share that with you too!

So what have we been learning? We’ve started all of our new books, and we started reading Reaching the Heights. We’ll podcast about that next week! We’ve spent a lot of time on English grammar and Mental Maths and we feel like we’re ready to knuckle down to work hard after a great summer.

Check out all of our tweets so far this year!

We’re posting our word problems to Twitter… can you solve them all?

We’ve had two weeks of ‘Student of the Week’ awards…

We made out a Drama contract and tried out the first of our strategies, Still Image!

We already had our first Confirmation preparation mass on Sunday 13th February. The theme was ‘Belonging’!

We made some art for the altar too!

We’re been very artistic and we created Roald Dahl Dream Jars and we also decorated our classroom door!

We were SO excited when Irish Rugby retweeted us!

We set our Reading goals for the year ahead too.

We recorded some Vine videos to help us to remember Maths facts in Place Value!

We’ve also been really enjoying our new class novel. It’s called ‘Reaching the Heights’.

Teamwork has been a major theme of the month so far…

We got a FANTASTIC tweet from the Roald Dahl Museum!

Cocoa is back, and Paddy is delighted!

Ms. Travers is now in our room everyday helping us with our new English ‘POWER!’ stations!

Tá an-obair déanta againn go dtí seo sa Gaeilge!

The two lads are working hard in Festina Lente!

We’re getting behind the Irish rugby team for the World Cup!

We’re back to GAA training with Tommy!

We also started our Evernote e-portfolios. They are a pretty cool way to take care of our best work!

Jack B and Stephen set up the shop!

We have learned off a poem to help us to remember the counties of Ireland…stop and ask us the poem in the corridor!

We have a ClassDojo rewards shop set up…

We’re all set with our rotas for the year ahead!

We learned off our classroom attention grabbers for the year ahead!

And finally, here are our class rules…

PHEW! We weren’t lying when we said we were busy!

We’ll be back early next week with loads more to share. Until then…be sound! From 6th Class.

Ps. Hi and a big ‘miss you!’ to last year’s 6th Class. It’s been great to see you all calling in in your new uniforms! Special hello to Leon who sent us a lovely message via the blog. You guys rock!

25 Jun


Earlier today, two buses of 1st to 5th class students set off on the school tour of 2015 in Fort Lucan. Everyone had a fantastic day and we were extremely proud of the behaviour and school spirit of all the students who went along – lots of smiles in the photos below!

This Vine sums up how well the day went – sleepy heads on the bus home are a good sign of a great day out!

Lots of fun on the trampoline!

Red slide or blue? Which did you choose?

You can find photos from our school tour 2014 here and from 2013 here!

23 Jun

We in third class were delighted with our production of Aladdin Trouble – A Panto Like No Other!

We would like to thank all the parents, family members and all of St. Peter’s for coming to see our show. We worked really hard on our production together with songs, dances, props and costumes and are all VERY proud of ourselves.

Here are some snaps from the performance!


Bridget, Abbi and Caoilynn (thanks to Abbi’s Mum for the cool costumes)!


Our Narrator Kayden – he did a fantastic job!


Dylan (the footballing genius), Dean (the charming dancer), Billy (our suitor with impressive gym moves) and Casey as Jasmine – well done to each of our suitors and Jasmine!


A group snap of the fantastic cast and their proud teacher Ms. Farren!

22 Jun

What a fantastic day out 6th Class had last Monday on their school tour! We visited Causey Farm in Meath, where we played the bodhrán, jumped in bogs, milked cows, blew bubbles, met animals of all sorts, rode in a tractor trailer, had a wellie-throwing contest and completed an obstacle course! Phew! What a brilliant day out. Thanks to Ms. Fry for joining us on the day, she was a helpful star to us all day. It was so lovely that Ms. Fry could be with us as she is has done so much to assist our class at various stages in the year.

Check out our Tweets and Vines from the day. We have a huge Animoto video at the end too! Check them out, you never know who you’ll see!

22 Jun

6th Class absolutely LOVE the High Jump. It was the highlight of every Sports Day in St. Peter’s. We completed out last ever Sports Day last Friday. It was a truly brilliant day! Many thanks to Paddy for making it so special.

Would you like to check out just some of the High Jump highlights? What a high-flying way to see out our last ever Sports Day!

We have yet another Animoto video here too!

22 Jun

6th Class recently had a lovely opportunity to visit our local community and family centre in Little Bray. This is a brilliant place that means a great deal to all of us, welcoming many of our students to attend days out, complete homework and receive all sorts of support there!

Check out some of really fun activities we completed – a snapshot of the wonderful facilities and services offered by the centre! Thanks to Michelle in School Completion for arranging the entire trip, and a massive thanks to the kind and warm centre staff who made the day so special!

22 Jun

22 Jun

Jordan’s Lego Stop Motion sequel from St Peter’s, Bray on Vimeo.

Last year, Jordan’s first Stop Motion Movie was a huge success throughout the school. When it finished, he promised his fans that there would be a part two in the coming year. Ladies and gentlemen, here we have it, ‘Lex Returns’, Jordan’s long awaited sequel. It’s back and it’s bigger and better than ever. The usual ‘good guys’ like the Teenage Mutant Ninja Tutles, Superman, Aquaman and Wonderwoman are back to save the day. After a breakout from jail, all the villains think they’re going to escape, but is that the case? Watch above to find out.

12 Jun

Friday was a very active day for our classes! Junior and Senior Infants went for a special walk in the morning and then our older classes walked to Shanganagh playground – even 1st and 2nd classes, who had very tired legs when they got back! You can see photos from previous visits to Shanganagh here.

Here are a couple of Vines and photos from the day – we had great fun!



12 Jun

Toontastic! from St Peter’s, Bray on Vimeo.

Hi my name is Codie and I’m in 3rd class. I hope you enjoy my Toontastic video. I spent a while writing the story and then making it! My characters are Tony, JJJ, Bender the robot and the two bullies, King Arnes and Onetwo. It’s about a science fair where the bullies try to steal JJJ  and Tony’s invention- Bender, but they fail! I hope you like watching it.