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10 Nov

Here is the latest blog update from 5th Class.

We’ve been learning about syllables using our GoNoodle song!

We finished series two of the ClassDojo Growth Mindset and Empathy programme! Just google ClassDojo Big Ideas for more information.

Our Geography work has kept us on our toes!

Click to see all of our great Geography videos!

Is maith linn an dán ‘Ricó’!

We did our half-term tests and SAlfie challenges!

However, we took some time out to prepare a ClassDojo board for the corridor!

We love our recorder lessons!

We got into the Halloween spirit!

A was in the newspaper!

Our Roots of Empathy sessions are going really well!

Ag canadh le chéile!

Our recent poems are very popular. Listen to them here!

We started our latest Art and History project, all about the Famine.

The boys did so well at a recent tournament too.

Check out our Halloween costumes and activities!

Check out our Halloween disco!

There was a little treat for some of the lads.

Caoilynn did us all proud with her recent win!

We extended our coding work to include use of the Makey Makey board!

And finally, our favourite EVER photo!

We’re delighted to be back to school after the break…did someone mention the C word? HO HO HO…there is a lot to look forward to!

From 5th Class.

31 Oct

In week 8, we finished off our work on our Homes unit and in week 9, we moved onto our unit about Money. This has been a very exciting fortnight as we got great news about an investment in our school by Salesforce. You can read all about it here.



We’ve had lots of fun in the Aistear stations this fortnight with puppets, socio-dramatic, small world, sand, PlayDoh and our very popular construction station. First, we plan, then we play, then we review. We problem-solve a lot before we play about how we’ll ask to use something that someone else has. Here are some things that we say:

  • Can I use that please?
  • Can I have it after you?
  • Can we play with it together?
  • Can we share it?

Just as important is how we respond to when someone asks to share something that we have when we’re not finished using it. Here are some of our responses:

  • Do you want to play with it together?
  • I’m using it now, but you can play with it in three minutes. I’ll get the timer.
  • I’ll give you half of it (PlayDoh)
  • I’ll share it with you.

We’re getting really good at playing nicely together and giving each other compliments. We have a ‘Good Tales’ and a ‘kindness’ point on Class Dojo that helps us to share nice stories about each other.

Here’s an Animoto video of some of our recent Aistear adventures.

To prepare for the Money theme, we went to the AIB branch in Bray. They even opened up early for us so that we could have a look around before the customers came in. They were really lovely to us, showing us lots of parts of the bank and they gave us posters and sweets. We had great fun on our mini-tour!


The visit to the bank was part of our celebrations of Maths Week – we had lots of fun with Maths Week – including lots of problem solving with number fans:


and lots of work with shapes – particularly squares and triangles!


We’ve been trying out a new system for our literacy stations with visual timetables – this is really helping us to move around quicker and to find out exactly where we should be for each station – and it’s fun too!



Here we are working hard at our stations one morning.

Of course, the other big event that took place this fortnight was Halloween! We loved dressing up last Friday and the fantastic Parents’ Association had a spooktacular disco for us. It was so much fun. We also learned all about Oíche Shamhna.

D’itheamar báirín breac. Fuair an cailín seo an fáinne!


Seo an dán ‘Is mise an púca’:


Laura and Yvonne from the Parents’ Association helped us to make witches for the Halloween disco:



Liz made us a very cool Halloween table in the classroom:


We also learned a Halloween poem thanks to Ms Wemmys who helped Aaron to find it for us:

Here are our costumes:






Look at how much fun we had at the Halloween disco:

Thank you very much to all the parents who organised it and put in so much hard work. It was amazing!

We’ve been working very hard on our presentation and neatness this fortnight and we have lots of fun activities planned for November to continue work on our handwriting, fine motor skills and colouring. Here is some of our excellent work recently:





Our teacher, Ms Sexton, uses Class Dojo to keep our parents up to date about life in Senior Infants every day. If you are a Senior Infant parent and you’d like to get your code again, please let Ms Sexton know and she’ll send it out to you. Most of the parents are now connected and are really enjoying using it.

You can find all of our posts from Senior Infants here.

September posts from Senior Infants

October posts from Senior Infants

Have a wonderful midterm and a great rest before our very exciting Christmas term!

26 Oct

We have just received some very exciting news! St. Peter’s has become the first school in Ireland to receive funding under’s Circle the Schools programme. Under the scheme – originally developed in the US – St. Peter’s will receive $100,000 (€92,000) grant to upgrade it’s digital literacy, special educational needs and STEM teaching capabilities.

A portion of the grant will go towards the creation of a new computer room with state of the art technology and also towards the creation of a multi-sensory room. This room will allow students a place to aid creativity and support those with complex needs.

In the words of Charlotte Finn, Vice-President, EMEA programmes at Salesforce.Org, ‘School is a place where children’s futures are shaped and we believe that all children should have the same opportunities for their future development. Circle the Schools is an important initiative that gives schools the necessary resources to make significant difference to children’s lives’.

Salesforce employees will also have an important role to play in this partnership. In addition to assisting children with STEM projects and setting up a Coder Dojo, Salesforce employees will be rolling out an ICT programme to help parents get up to speed with technology, enabling them to support their children’s development in this area.

Dr. David Dempsey, Executive Director and Senior Vice-President at Salesforce, believes that ‘We have such a vibrant technology sector in this country and the opportunities that exist within it are only going to continue to grow. We need to make sure that we support our young people so that they are in a position to take advantage. We are delighted to be able to lend our expertise to work holistically with the children, teachers and parents at St. Peter’s Bray to further this cause’.

For further details please see and

We look forward to developing a shared vision with Salesforce and are very grateful to them for this fantastic opportunity. I will keep you updated throughout the development of the project.

Many thanks,

Emer Whyte

Salesforce Picture Conor McCabe Photography

Salesforce Picture Conor McCabe Photography

Salesforce Picture Conor McCabe Photography

24 Oct

Thanks to Karen for putting together the beautiful autumn and Halloween display in the doorway at the new entrance to the school.

Sincere thanks also to Susan and Brooke for making sure we had the best of bales available for the display too! Team Peter’s at its best!


19 Oct

Hi everyone! We can’t believe that it is almost Halloween! We have had a great fortnight. Here is what we have been up to!

Brooke represented the school in a horse riding competition! Here she is, with her beautiful new pony Stoney! Watch her competing in the video below.

Brooke and Stoney from St Peter’s, Bray on Vimeo.

Code Week has been a huge success so far! We have received messages from all over Ireland complimenting us on our work, and the Department of Education even tweeted us! So cool.

We’ve been using the Run Marco game on .

The teamwork has been incredible.

Did you know that you can code offline? We use RobyCody, a printable game to code!

We’ve been enjoying Maths Week!

We did lovely artwork on the numbers 1-5 with our Junior Infant friends!

We did a ‘Murder Maths’ trail! Whodunnit?!

We also went on a ‘Maths Eyes’ of St. Peter’s Maths Trail!

Healthy body? Healthy mind! We’ve been working out to our Go Noodle favourites. We’re delighted with our new projector, our interactive writing board is super bright and clear now!

We said goodbye to the lovely Ms. Mooney who has been working with us!

We started our Roots of Empathy journey with Paddy, Cathy and Baby E!

Our volcanoes erupted! WOW!

We LOVE our active morning routine of actions, songs and rhymes!

We’re training hard with Willie!

We are all SO proud of Caoilynn who got some fantastic news!

We went on our autumn walk!

We love sharing our work with other schools. We worked on our comprehension strategies with two other schools! One in Donegal, and one in Tipperary. We recorded our actions to teach them how we use actions to help us to understand our texts.

We have GROWTH mindsets in 5th Class. We have completed our Class Dojo Growth mindset course! We have a positive attitude and never…give…up!

Phew! We’ve been busy! Chat soon!

5th Class 🙂

16 Oct


In Senior Infants, we had a really exciting week. On Tuesday, we visited SuperValu to see the bakery. You can see all of our photos from our lovely trip here.


This week, we continued our work on homes and construction. Our Aistear socio-dramatic corner became an estate agency. We learned about renting and landlords. We learned words like apartment, bungalow and detached.




Look at all the beautiful homes we had for sale!

In our PlayDoh stations, there was lots of creative work this week. Our teacher noticed that we liked working in groups a lot.




Can you spot the snails, the pepperoni pizza, the For Sale sign and lots of other beautiful creations?

In our Small World station, we were busy building and making stories about our little cities and towns.




Can you see the forests we ‘planted’ during Small World?

In our Construction stations, Lego was the popular choice this week. We were excellent at planning our buildings this week.




We’ve been working on paired reading and echo reading for the last few weeks in our literacy stations.


We love working with our friends and improving our fluency and expression. These three girls are super-organised and set up their own echo reading as soon as their station time began!

We had a new activity in our stations this week to help with our fine motor skills. We used cotton buds to dot paint our sight words. This girl has beautifully neat work!


We always love using our whiteboards. These really detailed pictures told stories about our news and about our friends.


We also use our whiteboards for writing notes to each other and for practising our blending – look at this excellent work!


This week, we were working on the story of 6 and learning how to keep our Maths copies neat. This is beautiful work from Izabel and Jasmin.


We celebrated our attendance this week with our first certificates of the school year. There were 17 certificates this month and we came second in the class attendance awards, only just behind the fantastic Junior Infants!

This week, in PE, we worked on our relays. We were exhausted afterwards, but our running is really improving!


We have one more week on the theme of homes and after that, we’re going to be starting a new theme.

You can find all of our posts from Senior Infants here.

September posts from Senior Infants

October posts from Senior Infants

14 Oct

In Junior Infants, we have been getting used to the idea of doing an hour of play each morning for Aistear. Our first theme was ‘Space’ as last week was space week.

In this collage, Garylee and Fia did wonderful teamwork in which Garylee made a spaceship and Fia made an alien. Oisin and Reece were also enjoying their playtime in the malleable area and both boys created wonderful aliens. In the role play area, some of the boys and girls look very scary indeed!


Below, in the construction area, Leon and Kaiden were working together to construct spaceships and rockets. They did a super job. Fia made very tasty ‘space-getti’ as inspired by the ‘space-getti’ in our ‘Welcome to Alien School’ storybook – yummy! While each group of children took part in play, Ella-Jayne and Garylee got a chance to do some wonderful writing at our writing station. The boys and girls love to get the chance to go to the writing station and use bright paper, chalk boards, metallic colouring pencils and coloured pens! They especially love that they are allowed to write on the table at this station!


During Ready, Set Go Maths, the children in Junior Infants were doing great work at sorting their shapes according to shape, colour and size this week. Agata, just before tidying up, managed to squeeze in some time to make a rocket using the shapes on the table – can you spot her red rocket?


Please feel free to come and visit our classroom – you could see our rockets that we created using 5 rectangles, 1 triangle, some chalk and glitter glue!


Talk to you again soon!

Lots of love,

Junior Infants ♥

14 Oct


Junior Infants were the first class to win the attendance award in St. Peter’s this year. They had the best attendance school wide, for the month of September! Well done Junior Infants!


As their prize, Junior Infants attended the St. Peter’s cinema. It was SO much fun! To start, each Junior Infant was given a ticket that they needed to look after very carefully. They lined up at the cinema entrance, gave their ticket to the cinema officials and each got to collect their popcorn, sweets and drink from the cinema shop. After a security announcement, the movie was ready to begin. The class enjoyed Madagascar – what a special treat!

Keep up the wonderful attendance Junior Infants! Ms. Farren is so proud 🙂


11 Oct

SuperValu Bray very kindly welcomed our class of Senior Infants to their bakery today.


The class learned about food safety, wore the hats and gloves that the bakers wear, watched the jam doughnuts being filled with jam and then got to cover the doughnuts in sugar.

After that, they watched a cake being covered in cream and sprinkles. Finally, they got to watch the dough being kneaded into bread rolls. They got to take home their doughnuts and got  a goodie bag too (and the teachers got doughnuts too!)

Thanks so much to SuperValu Bray for being so kind to us all. We had a brilliant morning and learned a lot. Special thanks to Ruby’s mam and dad who organised the trip for us!

Here’s our Animoto of our photos from the trip:


11 Oct

This is our Senior Infant update for last week! We use Class Story with Class Dojo every day to keep our families in the loop about all the goings on in Senior Infants, but here are some of our photos of our work from last week.


We’re learning about the colours. Last week, we learned about primary colours. This week, we learned all about secondary colours and made colour wheel umbrellas.





Lots of fun in the Aistear sand stations during the week





The socio-dramatic station was the construction yard and the architect’s office this week.





We used pictures of famous buildings to inspire our constructions during Aistear.






We revised our work on the senses in SESE


A fantastic book that we read this week!


Our Mondrian art display!


Paired reading during our literacy stations


Using our blending books during literacy stations


DEAR time during literacy stations


Fine motor skills and sight words during literacy stations


We visited the church on Friday and lit candles.


Ms Whyte gave us lollipops for being so good!

Always working on our Jolly Phonics!

You can find all of our posts from Senior Infants here.

September posts from Senior Infants

October posts from Senior Infants