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8 Mar

Second and Fifth class decided to join together to celebrate Engineers Week on Wednesday and had lots of fun completing a STEM challenge. We worked together in small groups to try to build a structure that was strong and tall. We had to build using either a square or rectangular shape because we wanted to see if this would make any difference to how strong and tall our structures would be. Teamwork was also very important! We used plasticine and and small match sticks to create our structures.

Check out some of our photographs below to see us in action!


We worked really well in our teams, making sure that everyone had a chance to contribute. We found that it was important to mould the plasticine carefully as this helped in making our structures strong.


Paddy arrived as our guest judge and scored the structures out of a possible 30 points – 10 points for strength, 10 points for height and 10 points for teamwork. We were so proud when all teams taking part received 10 points for teamwork! A huge well done to all the pupils for their hard work and congratulations to the winning team who won a homework pass for the night! Check out our finished structures below:

2 Mar

Well done to February’s All Star Attenders listed below. Another really good month for school attendance. Keep up the good work.

All Star Attenders February




Junior Infants

Rhys      Cahill

Ava        Dowling

Mia        McAuliffe Quinn

Nicole   O’Brien

Aria        O’Hanlon


Senior Infants

Jake       Barry

Luke      Cowap

Richard Gall

Amira    Grefaldeo

Filip        Jankowski

Riley      Kearney

Mia        Keating

Noah     Kelly

Martin  Kenna

Layla      Kilkenny

Nevaeh                Maguire

Ellie        McCormack

Mia        Norton

Cian       Shanley

Tadhg    Troy

1st Class

Kyle       Breen

Fia          Clucas Keogh

Oisin      Clucas

Jake       Fitzpatrick

Callum  Kilkenny

Garylee                Locke

Leon      McAuliffe

Ella Jayne O’Sullivan O’Carroll

Amber  Plunkett Power

Agata    Wnuk

2nd Class

Maja      Bessler

Aaron    Chumakson

Joey       Chumakson

Heidi      Clucas Keogh

Abbie    Coen Troy

Jasmin  Coogan Moorhouse

Izabel    Devics

Ben        Douglas

Oliver    Duraj

Ruby      Fogarty

Noah     Johnston

Oskar    Matysiak

Zuzanna Siakala


3rd Class

Carl        Barry

Jake       Clucas

Chloe    Farrell

Tobias   Farrell

Chloe    Fitzpatrick

Jodie     Fitzpatrick

Cameron Martin McAteer

Kurina   Mason

Cian       McDermott

Liam       McGrath

Sophie  O’Connor

AJ           O’Neill

Cian       Petty

Elif          Standage


4th Class

Ellie        Byrne

Tiana     Doyle

Leah      Kane

Liam       Mullen

Haylie    Treacy


5th Class

Josh       Coen Troy

Jamie    Cowap

Thomas                Fitzpatrick

Brian      Grefaldeo

Dylan     Lawless

James   Martin

Liam       Mason

Sean      McDonald

Tadgh    McDonald Hemp

Ruairi     McFarland Bolger

Summer Murphy

Jack        Roche

James   Simpson Murray

Adem    Standage

6th Class

Ava        Byrne

Tadhg    Cahill

Nathan Douglas

Madeleine Farrell

Leon      Reynolds

Jamie    Ryan



Grace    Carton

Avaleigh O’Hagan




6 Feb

We kicked off our new school year with a good start on attendance. Despite the usual coughs, colds and sniffles we made a big effort to get in to school and had an extra special bonus prize this month. Any child in everyday for the last 2 weeks of January got to go to the “School Cinema”. We had the hall set up with a giant projector screen and watched Gnome Alone in the morning, complete with popcorn. We also had several classes beat their attendance from January last year and will be kicking off the prizes for those classes with pizza parties this week. Keep up the good work on attendance and well done to all our superhero attenders for January.


All Star Attenders January




Junior Infants

Taylor    Buckley

Layla      Clarke

Harley   Dodd

Ava        Dowling

Jade       Fitzpatrick

Jamie    Lawless

Mia        McAuliffe Quinn

Fionn     Troy

Senior Infants

Jake       Barry

Kaylum Cahill

Sam       Johnston

Riley      Kearney

Mia        Keating

Noah     Kelly

Layla      Kilkenny

Nevaeh                Maguire

Cian       Shanley

Tadhg    Troy


1st Class

Jake       Fitzpatrick

Kaiden  Hipwell

Callum  Kilkenny

Leon      McAuliffe

Natalia  Miedzinska

Agata    Wnuk

2nd Class

Maja      Bessler

Aaron    Chumakson

Joey       Chumakson

Abbie    Coen Troy

Jasmin  Coogan Moorhouse

Ben        Douglas

Ruby      Fogarty

Zuzanna Siakala

Brooke Tobin


3rd Class

Carl        Barry

Jake       Clucas

Tobias   Farrell

Lauren  McCann

AJ           O’Neill

Cian       Petty

Aysha    Simpson Murray

Elif          Standage


4th Class

Ellie        Byrne

Tiana     Doyle

Leah      Kane

Liam       Mullen

Haylie    Treacy

Oisin      Troy

5th Class

Benjamin Bessler

Jaiden   Buckley

Josh       Coen Troy

Jamie    Cowap

Brian      Grefaldeo

Dylan     Lawless

James   Martin

Liam       Mason

Jack        Roche


6th Class

Tristan  Byrne

Nathan Douglas

Madeleine Farrell

Sean      Popovici

Jerry      Wall


Luke      Cahill

Grace    Carton

Oisin      Kenny




5 Feb

30 Jan

23 Jan

21 Jan

Inspired by our visit from ‘Sam’ the puppet today, Senior Infants decided that we would like to learn more about how to use puppets.  Our friend in 5th class has kindly offered to pay us a few more visits to help us out.  We are looking forward to introducing our own puppets to ‘Sam’ over the coming weeks and we hope to create a puppet show for other classes to show off our skills.


12 Jan

We had a great and busy start to the new year in 5th class! We started by sharing some of our New Year’s resolutions with each other. They included lots of different ideas including doing more exercise, reading more and trying to be on time to school every day. We’ve displayed our resolutions in our room to keep us motivated!

On Tuesday we had a visit from the Department of the Environment to learn all about climate change and biodiversity and our role in both. We learned that biodiversity relates to the variety of plant and animal life in our world and we discussed the important role we all play in ensuring that plant and animal life in our local area is protected. We suggested practical ways that we can help to ensure that plants and animals are not disturbed by our actions and also how to reduce climate change. Simple changes, like using reusable drinking bottles and putting our sandwiches in lunchboxes instead of tinfoil, can have really positive impacts. We are going to make a real effort to put these simple changes into practice. If everyone gets involved, real changes can be made!

Exploring hedgerows that help to support biodiversity. 

We’re learning all about World War 1 in History and as part of our Drama lesson we created some freeze frames that we felt represented a variety of people affected by the war. These included nurses working in the trenches, children saying goodbye to relatives who were going to fight in Europe, soldiers fighting on the battlefields and soldiers being captured by the enemy. We discussed the reasons the war started and escalated and life in the trenches. We hope to learn more over the coming weeks and are reading a new novel ‘The Butterfly Lion’ by Michael Morpurgo which also includes some information on the war.

Working to create freeze frames.


11 Jan

22 Dec

With a busy month of play practice for Christmas concerts children did really well getting to school and preparing for one of the best days in the school calendar. Well done to all our All Stars for December and keep it going into the new year. Happy Christmas everyone.

All Star Attenders December




Junior Infants

Rhys      Cahill

Layla      Clarke

Harley   Dodd

Ava        Dowling

Kayleigh Doyle

Tori        Doyle

Martin  Kane

Jamie    Lawless

Mia        McAuliffe Quinn

Corey    Mullen

Nevaeh                Murphy

Hallie     Murphy

Aria        O’Hanlon


Senior Infants

Jake       Barry

Lucy       Byrne

Kaylum Cahill

Luke      Cowap

Eva         Cox

Richard Gall

Amira    Grefaldeo

Sam       Johnston

Riley      Kearney

Mia        Keating

AJ           Kelly

Noah     Kelly

Martin  Kenna

Nevaeh                Maguire

Ellie        McCormack

Elena     Moran

Cian       Shanley

1st Class

Kyle       Breen

Robyn   Cheevers

Fia          Clucas Keogh

Oisin      Clucas

Callum  Kilkenny

Leon      McAuliffe

Reece   Mulhall

Amber  Plunkett Power

Agata    Wnuk

2nd Class

Aaron    Chumakson

Joey       Chumakson

Heidi      Clucas Keogh

Jasmin  Coogan Moorhouse

Izabel    Devics

Ben        Douglas

Oliver    Duraj

Noah     Johnston

Oskar    Matysiak

Louis      Murray-Coyle

Zuzanna Siakala


3rd Class

Carl        Barry

Jake       Clucas

Chloe    Farrell

Tobias   Farrell

Cameron Martin McAteer

Lauren  McCann

Sophie  O’Connor

AJ           O’Neill

Cian       Petty

Elif          Standage


4th Class

Ellie        Byrne

Tiana     Doyle

Kayleigh Fell

Leah      Kane

Naoise Sweeney McMaster


5th Class

Amalia  Gall

Brian      Grefaldeo

Dylan     Lawless

James   Martin

Liam       Mason

Tadgh    McDonald Hemp

Kian       Cahill

Summer Murphy

Ava        Reynolds

Jack        Roche

James   Simpson Murray

Adem    Standage

6th Class

Ava        Byrne

Tristan  Byrne

Nathan Douglas

Madeleine Farrell

Shauna Garton

Sean      Popovici

Leon      Reynolds

Jerry      Wall


Luke      Cahill

Grace    Carton

Poppy   Cunnane