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25 Mar

Click on the image below to view Paddy’s first P.E workout. Many thanks to his “little helper” too who is a Junior Infant. Please comment below about what you liked or didn’t like or what exercise you found the easiest and most difficult. It is really important that you continue to exercise while the school is off. If you want you can share your workout with your teacher on Class Dojo and we will post some of them on the blog. 

25 Mar

Click on the image below for a warn up video from Paddy.

25 Mar

I hope you enjoy tonight’s story. Ms. Whyte even fixed the cushions behind me in the video!! Please click on the photo below to hear the story and don’t forget to leave a comment.


25 Mar

When things go wrong, what can you always count on?

24 Mar

I hope you enjoy tonight’s story. Miss Whyte wasn’t happy with the mess of the cushions in the background! Don’t forget to leave a comment about what you like/didn’t like, your favourite page or picture and the reason why.

24 Mar

How many letters are there in the English alphabet? Good luck everyone and don’t forget it is a riddle so you will need to explain your answer.

Well done to everyone who got yesterday’s riddle correct and for those of you who didn’t YOU CAN’T DIG HALF A HOLE!
Check out the comments I made in yesterday’s riddle.


24 Mar

To Listen to Mr. Vance’s bedtime story click on the image below. I hope you enjoy. Please write a comment by clicking the “replies” button below and leave a comment. What was your favourite part of the story and why? If people are watching this and leaving comments Mr. Vance will continue to read a new book each night. We miss you all!

20 Mar

If it took took two girls two days to dig a hole. How long would it take one girl to dig half a hole?
Good luck!! Make sure to write your answer by clicking on the “replies” button below this post.

20 Mar

Hi everyone from St. Peter’s Primary School. We hope everyone is healthy and well. While we are away from school we will be using the school blog to try and keep you entertained. We will have a “Riddle of the day” each day and other links to fun activities and websites that you could visit while you are away from school. Mr. Vance will also be reading a bedtime story each night. Don’t forget to write a comment (by clicking on the reply button below this post) as we will be giving random prizes throughout our time off to children who post comments.

18 Mar

Engineers Week 2020

This year for Engineering week, 4th Class took a trip to Bray Library to meet with a local Bray Engineer to learn about the important role of being an engineer.                                                                                                            We learned that in order for structures to be built, many engineers are needed. These include – civil, electrical, energy, mechanical, plumbing, structural and technological engineers.

We focused on structural engineering and had the opportunity to take part in a fun STEM engineering activity: ‘The Marshmallow Challenge’.

The objective of ‘The Marshmallow Challenge’:

  • To construct a tower as high as possible using only uncooked spaghetti and marshmallows.
  • The tallest tower would need to be able to stand unassisted.


  • 4th class were divided into groups.
  • They had only 20 minutes.
  • Each group could only use the materials provided.
  • They could not use any other materials to assist in the support of their tower.
  • Spaghetti could be broken into smaller pieces.

The task was challenging but 4th class were extremely creative engineers and the results were very impressive.


After the task was complete we talked about the following:

  • If the placing of the marshmallows affected the strength of the tower.
  • What other materials could be used.
  • If the size of the base affected the strength of the tower.
  • Whether all groups worked in the same way.

All the groups worked really hard and designed amazing towers in all different ways. The groups all agreed that teamwork was very important for this task. Well done 4th Class!