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11 Jun

Welcome to session 2 in our 4 part yoga and mindfulness series. The videos are easy to follow and can be done in your own time. You can also re-watch and practice each video a number of times to improve your technique.
Check out the video below and keep letting us know how you are doing.

Namaste 🙂

11 Jun

We are going fruit themed this week with recipes for Banana Bread and Fruit Winders. This delicious recipe is ideal for a healthy snack and can be adjusted to suit your taste.

Thank you for your photos, videos and comments so far. We are putting together a promotional video to go with our Healthy Ireland videos so if you would like to be included please send a photo or video of you trying out one of our recipes of yourself cooking at home or the finished product.

Happy baking!

11 Jun

To tie in with Try it Thursday, we want all students to try to tie their shoe laces on their own. Don’t worry if you don’t get it first time, practice makes perfect. We also want our younger classes to be able to take their jacket on and off. Ms. Meaney will show you how it’s done below. For our older classes (3rd to 6th), we want you to send a photo with someone who inspires you or that you look up to. This could be a family member or someone famous. Ms. Hoban has chosen a family member who is a nurse and doing great work at the moment. Paddy has gone with Muhammad Ali. We look forward to seeing your photos. Check out post from pupils below!

This is a boy from 4th class. He said that his role model is his Dad because he inspires him in his music and encourages him to push his limits.
9 Jun

The first person to comment with a spider- man fact when they see a photo of spider man on the blog will win a Spider-Man large colouring book (see below).

9 Jun

To balance out Tech Tuesday, we are encouraging everyone to get out and connect with nature. Whether it’s in a field, forest or backgarden, try to get out and notice the plants, animals and insects. Simply post a photo with 4 different colour leaves or with a bird or insect in the background to enter this week’s competition. Best of luck! Ms. Kane and Ms. Conway have shown us what you can find.

8 Jun

Hi everyone,

A huge thanks to everyone who entered into the first draw to win a prize by posting a video or photo for the first two challenges. Check out most of your photos and videos by clicking on the link below.

Challenge 1

Challenge 2 h

The winners of the competition are

Challenge 1- Liam and Corey Mullen

Challenge 2- The healthy eating challenge- Mia Keating and Tadhg McDonald.

Most Creative Prize- Richard Gall for his photo with the fruit and veg on his body.

To claim your prize you will have to leave a comment after this post saying which of the prizes in the photo below you would like. Congratulations to everyone who got involved and remember to keep posting as there is a good chance you will win the next challenge. Also if you enter 7 out of 8 challenges you will be allowed to participate in the obstacle course when we return to school.

8 Jun

Senior Infants and First Class were given a mission! Read about our mission below:

First, we designed our boxes!

We wrote letters to our future selves describing what we have been doing during these strange times!

Our families helped us to create amazing art that shows who we lived with during this time!

Finally, we filled our time capsules with artwork, masks, gloves and anything that we used during these weird times to help us! Thanks to parents and families for all of their help to make our time capsules! 🙂

8 Jun

At the end of May, we read a new book at home. The title of the book is ‘How to Catch a Star’. The author of the book is Oliver Jeffers! He is the person who wrote the book. Have a look at some of the activities we did during the week!

Have a look at some of our beautiful star artwork below:

We retold the story using pictures:

We made plans to catch our own stars!:

We did some superstar stuff at home too! (AS USUAL!)

Here’s Harley’s bird nest that he found when walking through the woods! 🙂

8 Jun

With summer season on us there are plenty of fresh fruits available that are in season. Fruit winders are a great novel way to get one of your 5 a day. Check out Aisling’s recipe below and please continue to share your photos and videos with us and leave a comment on our blog. This week’s ingredients:

Click video below to follow Aisling’s demo.

5 Jun

As part of Joyful June, welcome to our first whole school quiz on Kahoot!

You’ll find it at this link Make sure you use a username based on your name so that we can tell who has completed it. It’s a colours quiz based on cartoons, superheroes and Disney/Pixar so there are questions for everyone in the family!