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6 Nov

3rd Class had great fun taking part in Math’s Week and took the chance to take part in some fun activities. We split into teams and took part in a Math’s trail around the school and classroom (special thanks to Ms. Flanagan for assisting).

We also learned about Maths with some Pizza Fractions. We learned about equivalent fractions then ate quarters and eights of pizzas!! Maths has never been so delicious.

4 Nov

An mhí seo beimid ag foghlaim faoin an aimsir.

Is é frása na seachtaine inniu…

Tá sé ag cur báistí.

Má tá sé ag cur báistí b’fhéidir go mbainfeá úsáid as ‘scáth fearthainne’ chun fanacht tirim!

21 Oct

Fáilte arís go dtí ‘Frása na Seachtaine’ againn!

Maith sibh gach duine ar thús iontach! Go leor Gaeilge iontach le cloisteáil timpeall na scoile.

Anois, is é frása na seachtaine seo:

Seo mar a deirimid Oíche Shamhna Shona le dúine amhain.

Chun beannú do ghrúpa daoine a deirimid:

17 Oct

We have had a great week celebrating Maths Week in Ms. Kane’s Class!

We took part in games of Bingo, toss the beanbag (to try and achieve the top score of 10 points!), counting, sorting, adding, pattern making and some online games, as well as making our own shape monsters 👾👻

Take a look at some of our activities below:

Our favourite activity to celebrate Maths Week was making rice crispy cakes! We learned about using Maths in our everyday lives, including following recipes.

We used 375g of rice crispies and 200g of melted chocolate. The results were delicious 😁

16 Oct

Our 5th and 6th class girls enjoyed a friendly match again Ravenswell today.

14 Oct

Our principal Mr. Vance brought these children up to the book shop today to buy a book. Each of the children had perfect attendance for September. Well done everyone!

14 Oct

Caithfimid sár – obair a rá leis na cailíní agus na buachaillí go léir a bhí ag obair chomh crua ar a gcuid Gaeilge le cúpla mí anuas.

Déanaimis iarracht ár n – abairt nua a úsáid ar scoil an tseachtain seo!

7 Oct

Fáilte ar ais chuig Frása na Seachtaine!

Tá sár – iarracht á dhéanamh ag gach duine agus leanann ár gcuid Gaeilge ag feabhsú.

Anois, is é frása na seachtaine seo:

Is é an freagra…

Scoil Naomh Peadar is ainm don scoil.

3 Oct
We had great fun today spinning the wheel to win prizes for any class that reached their attendance goal for the month. To see one of the spins click here.
30 Sep
37 students took part in the Athletics Wicklow cross country relay race in Avondale last week. Well done everyone and thanks Paddy and teachers for organising and taking them.