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26 Jun

As your first year in the school finishes up, we have a special video to celebrate how much we enjoyed having you in St Peter’s. Have a lovely Summer and we look forward to seeing you in September!

24 Jun

Well done to everyone who participated in challenge 5 and 6. Check out most of your photos and videos by clicking on the link below.

Challenge 5

Challenge 6

The winners of the competition are

Challenge 5- Aria O’Halloran and Layla Clarke

Challenge 6- Elena Moran, Filip Jankowski and Amber Plunkett Power

To claim your prize you will have to leave a comment after this post saying which of the prizes in the photo below you would like. Congratulations to everyone who got involved and remember to keep posting as there is a good chance you will win the next challenge. Also if you enter 7 out of 8 challenges you will be allowed to participate in the obstacle course when we return to school.

24 Jun

Once again, the staff take home the Ray Hughes Cup. Maybe their greatest performance yet. Enjoy….

24 Jun

We have reached the last challenge in June and as we have just about completed the school year, we are looking for students to send us in a photo or video of themselves completing a task or challenge that they have worked hard to achieve. It can be a race, painting, jigsaw, winning a cup, a school project or something else. Ms Sexton and Ms Wemyss describe what they are proud of achieving. Hard work is always its own reward! Thanks to everyone who has sent in videos or photos for the June challenges. We have loved seeing them. Best of luck in the competition at the end of the week.

Ms Wemyss says “One challenge that I completed was learning how to knit. I have always wanted to learn but could never quite get the hang of it! Over the past few weeks, I have been doing a little each day to improve my skills. Hopefully it’ll be a scarf by the time we get back to school!”

Ms Sexton’s challenge is wedding cakes! She says “I did a course a few years ago on decorating cakes and since then, I’ve made a few wedding cakes for friends and family – and I made my own! I find it a real challenge because I always want to try to make them look perfect. There’s a lot of organisation making so many cakes – time, ingredients, equipment – and a lot of washing up. The decorating is the part that I always find most difficult because I’m never sure if it looks ok. This is where I need other people to tell me when to stop working on it! Then, I have to take it apart and box it up to move it to the wedding venue. This is the nerve wracking part in case we hit a pothole or have to hit the brakes quickly. The one in the pictures below was in Tyrone – that’s a long drive with a wedding cake in the car! But I love doing them and it makes me proud watching the couple cut their wedding cake!”

This great student has worked really hard on her schoolwork as her challenge!
24 Jun

Well done to all students who took part in the Sports Day and Mini-World Cup. We were delighted to see your videos. We hope you keep the exercise going throughout the Summer!

23 Jun

Welcome to your virtual graduation – a space for you to share your graduation with family and friends who couldn’t attend the Zoom graduation. We recommend that you view it on as large a screen as possible to make it easier to interact with the links and don’t forget to make it fullscreen.

  • Start with Mr Vance for his introduction
  • Click on Ms Collins to see her speech for you and on Paddy to see your slideshow from this year
  • Ms Whyte has your slideshow from the past and Mr Foley has the messages from the staff
  • Click on the trophy at Mr Vance’s feet to see the Student of the Year, the trophy at Paddy’s feet to see Sportspeople of the Year and the football for the Students vs Teachers results!
  • You can click on your Bitmoji’s face (some are easier to find than others!) to access your video.
  • When you’re finished, click on the ‘Class of 2020’ to graduate!

Here are two bonus videos that we didn’t have time for during the graduation. Congratulations class of 2020!

23 Jun

It’s finally here! 6th class students v teachers in a 4 challenge competition. All you have to do is record yourself doing the challenges that the two Paddys are doing below and WhatsApp them to the school mobile number. Each challenge you complete is worth a point so every bit helps. There are 22 6th class students and 22 staff so it’s a fair contest. You have until 2pm today to get your videos in for it to count. Best of luck everyone!

22 Jun

Despite not being able to celebrate sports day together, we hope students will try a few events that have become classics in our annual fun sports day such as the Blindfold challenge and Mr. Kinsella’s obstacle course. We have two videos below. Junior sports day for Junior Infants to 2nd class and Senior sports day for 3rd to 6th class. Please send a photo or video of yourself doing 1 of the events shown to enter the weekly competition. Don’t forget to finish with the hot dog!! Best of luck to all.

22 Jun
22 Jun

So we come to the final video in our Healthy Ireland Health and Wellbeing Programme on mindfulness. It is safe to say that the videos have been a great success and we are delighted to see the photos and videos you have sent your teachers.

We hope you enjoyed the series and remember you can continue to access these sessions here on our school blog and continue your mindfulness journey over the summer months.

Wishing you all a happy, safe and peaceful summer!

Namaste 🙂