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23 Sep

To celebrate European week of sport, all classes took part in a sporting challenge. Below are some of the photos from the Junior Infants challenge.

18 Sep

We were delighted to welcome in our new Junior Infants this year who have settled in really well. Despite being unable to have our traditional open day in June we are delighted with how well everyone has adapted to their new surroundings.

Every morning we start the day with circle time and our welcome song.

We are busy “working” every day with free play and Aistear. The topic this month is homes, where we are learning all about different houses, rooms and families.

We also try to fit in some fun physical activities in the hall or in the yard outside while the weather is fine. This is good for healthy mind and body.

Most importantly, we are learning that although we are different and unique, we are also similar and that as a class we all fit together!

16 Sep

2nd class were so excited to return to school! they have created some fantastic art work by drawing self-portraits, designing their own masks and writing about their goals for this year!

2nd really enjoyed practising their cursive handwriting using whiteboards, writing with pencil and markers! We created symmetrical names which turned out to be our very own name monsters.

We also are trying to enjoy the September sunshine by getting outside for our SESE! Working in pairs we had to search for things in our yard that stimulated our senses.

5 Sep

The new senior infants have settled in very well to their new classroom this week. School is a little bit different this year as we are all trying our very best to prevent the spread of COVID19.

We are using hand sanitizer everyday, trying our best to keep apart from our friends, following the arrows on the floor and our teachers are wearing masks all the time. (There are big smiles behind the masks!)

We talked all about how we can keep our distance from children who are not in our group 👩🏼‍🏫👨🏾‍🏫.

We got some new mats for our desks that will help us to keep the germs away! Here they are on the yellow table.

Here are some photos of our first day of senior infants!📸

We have had so much fun this week doing our activities and getting to see our friends again. It’s good to be back!👧🏾🤴🏼

3 Sep

Welcome back to the new school year! This month, we’re starting with 6th class, who are showcasing some of the work they’ve been doing in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) so far.

We started by reminding ourselves of some of the great work we did with Ms Kane last year in 5th class! We read ‘Rosie Revere, Engineer’ which talks about the importance of perservering and we discussed how a setback shouldn’t stop us from trying again.

Our first STEM challenge of the year seemed easy! In our pairs within our pods, we had to build a tower with just two pieces of A4 paper. We were allowed to use a glue stick and a scissors to cut and stick the paper (not turn them into the foundations of the building as some groups tried!)

After twenty minutes, our towers had to stand by themselves for at least ten seconds. We measured the ones that could do this and found that Kayleigh and Callum’s tower was the tallest at 85 cm. This project taught us a lot about perseverance and not giving up easily!

2 Sep

Welcome back to school everyone. We’re all delighted to have everyone back in school after being off for so long. A very special welcome to the Junior Infants and their parents. I hope everyone has a fantastic year.

1 Jul
Have a great summer everyone. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school.
1 Jul

We have an overall prize students that did the most challenges out of everyone in the school. The winners are Chris Mullen, Corey Mullen and Elena Moran. When we get back to school, call into Mr. Vance’s office and you can pick a prize. Congratulations and thanks for taking part in so many challenges.

1 Jul

Well done to everyone who participated in challenge 7 and 8. Check out most of your photos and videos by clicking on the links below.

Challenge 7

Challenge 8

The winners of the competition are

Challenge 7- Harley Dodd and Cian Shanley
Challenge 8- Aaron and Joey Chumakson

When we get back to school, all of the above winners can call into Mr. Vance’s office and you can pick a prize.

26 Jun

As your first year in the school finishes up, we have a special video to celebrate how much we enjoyed having you in St Peter’s. Have a lovely Summer and we look forward to seeing you in September!