Paddy’s back with another great activity for you! Let us know how you get on in the comments!
Well done to everyone for creating such bright and colourful pieces of art! 😊 Have a look at some of the beautiful pictures created by our very talented pupils
Well done everyone!
Fáilte go dtí Frása an Lae, Déardaoin 11ú Feabhra!
Seo an frása deirneach den tseachtain againn…
Cuimhnigh do chuid frásaí nua go léir a chleachtadh sa bhaile!
An bhfaca tú réamhaisnéis na haimsire inniu?
Cén sort aimsire a bheidh againn amárach?
For this week’s activity we’ll be making a home-made pet! I can’t wait to see all the animals you make. What will I call my little red animal? Follow the link for the instructions;
Atmospheric pressure is the air all around us. It weighs on us all the time, but we can’t feel it. First the atmospheric pressure (or the tiny air molecules all around us) presses against the bottom of the cardboard same way it presses against us. This pressure holds the card up. But the weight of the water should still be heavy enough to push it off right? That’s what most people would think, but if you look at the top of your upside down glass, you can see a small pocket of air. Now, the air outside the glass is at one pressure and the air inside the glass is at another. There isn’t much of an opportunity for the outside air to get into that space and equalise the pressure so what we’ve created is a small pocket of low pressure (a vacuum) inside the glass. There’s more air pushing up against the bottom of the card which creates a higher pressure area compared with the lower pressure air inside the glass. The force from the atmospheric pressure (outside the glass) holds the card up and the vacuum (in the glass) keeps the water’s weight from pushing the card down.
Well done everyone! Next this week’s experiment won’t be as challenging to understand 🤪
Fáilte ar ais go dtí Frása an Lae, Dé Luain 8ú Feabhra!
Táimid fós ag foghlaim faoin aimsir an tseachtain seo agus táimid chun díriú ar fhrásaí a bhaineann le sneachta.
Dean iarracht do dhícheall roinnt Gaeilge a chleachtadh gach lá sa bhaile.
B’fhéidir go bhfeicfimid roinnt sneachta an tseachtain seo in Éirinn!
Is é frása an lae inniu…
Well done to everyone who did this week’s STEM activity at home. It was brilliant to see all the different materials that worked for the experiment. Here’s some videos and pictures to show you!
Hello everyone! 😄
Next Sunday is Valentine’s Day 🧡 Try out this step-by-step art activity to celebrate! Send in any pictures that you make to your teacher on Class Dojo or send it to the school Whatsapp and it could be included in next weeks blog! Be as creative as possible. We can’t wait to see what you make 😍
To complete this art activity you will need: Paper, a pencil and four different colours (crayons, markers, colouring pencils, paint – whatever you have at home!)
Here are examples of what we will be making:
Follow the steps below to create your own heart masterpiece!
Have fun creating your piece of art! Don’t forget to send pictures to your Class Teacher or to the School Whatsapp.
Inniu, tá Kahoot! nua againn. Tá sé faoin aimsir agus bunaithe ar na ceisteanna sna ranganna.
Seo an nasc:
Bain úsáid as d’ainm fíor le do thoil! Use your real name please!
This week we are doing a 1 minute AMRAP challenge. Can you beat Paddy?