Seo an frása den tseachtain againn…

Fáilte ar ais chuig Frása na Seachtaine!
Táimid ag baint taitneamh as foghlaim faoin Nollaig!
Anois, is é frása na seachtaine seo:
Tá go leor rudaí ar mhaith leat a rá, b’fhéidir…
Ba mhaith liom leabhar nua.
Ba mhaith liom cluiche ríomhaire.
Ba mhaith liom cluiche cláir.
Ba mhaith liom liathróid peil.
Cad eile ar féidir leat smaoineamh air?
Fáilte ar ais chuig Frása na Seachtaine!
An mhí seo, tá an – áthas orainn a bheith ag súil go mór leis an Nollaig!
Beimid ag foghlaim go leor frásaí agus focail nua ach tosaímid leis an gceann is mó a bheidh á úsáid againn…
Táimid fós ag foghlaim faoin aimsir an tseachtain seo agus táimid chun díriú ar fhrásaí a bhaineann leis an ghrian!
Is é frása na seachtaine inniu…
Tá an ghrian ag taitneamh!
Coinnigh oraibh ag cleachtadh do chuid Gaeilge a oiread agus is féidir sa bhaile agus ar scoil!
Is é an frása nua atá againn don lá inniu…
Ná déan dearmad ar do chuid uachtar gréine!
We had a great time celebrating Science Week!
We all love trains, cars and planes in our class so we decided to investigate how our toys move.
We investigated which toys roll, spin, swing and bounce.
We predicted how some of our favourite toys move and then put them to the test!
We tested if our toys rolled using a ramp and recorded our predictions and results.
Check out our investigation in action…
Our results showed that cars, a minion teddy and a yoga ball rolled successfully down our ramp but a 2D triangle didn’t roll. We were happy that we predicted all of these results successfully 😊
We also created our own spinners and pinwheels to test how spinning toys work. We love building and designing.
We also created art work using swinging pendulums that we made in class. We love the unique designs we made!
During Science Week we also attempted to make slime using corn flour but our results were varied! The first time we tried, our two ingredients, corn flour and water didn’t mix well together at all. We found that there was liquid on the top and a solid, chalk – like substance stuck at the bottom.
We would like to try a better recipe next time but we still had fun! We tried it twice and the second time, the consistency was definitely more slimey but think we could do better.
We hope you enjoyed reading about our activities and if you have any questions, please let us know 😊 Make sure to check out our display in the corridor in school too!
Maith sibh go léir ag déanamh sár – iarracht le do chuid frásaí Gaeilge an tseachtain seo!
Is é frása na seachtaine ná…
Ná déan dearmad uisce a ól nuair a bhíonn sé te amuigh!
Sixth Class kicked off science week by investigating how clean our hands really are. We timed ourselves, rubbing a slice of bread with our hands before we washed them and after we washed them with soap. We are still waiting to see any changes in the bread but are observing them every day!
We investigated which liquids would affect the shell of an egg. We chose liquids that we thought would impact the shell; vinegar, ketchup, hot water and salt, deodorant and coca cola. We left each egg to soak in the liquid overnight and took them out after 24 hours. We discovered that the vinegar had peeled a layer off of the shell of the egg and also made it harder to break. Bubbles appeared in the vinegar which showed us that a chemical reaction was happening! The ketchup had the same affect as this. We discovered that one of the main ingredients in ketchup is actually vinegar. We had lots of fun doing this experiment!
We discussed how vinegar and ketchup caused a chemical reaction which led us to think about how when we cook and bake; chemical reactions take place. We decided to bake brown bread to see science in action. We used our math skills to add and measure the ingredients needed. We discussed what would happen if certain ingredients, particularly bicarbonate soda was missing from our mixture before we put it into the oven. We put the mixture into the oven for an hour – and checked on it, watching how the bread rose over time! Then came the best part, we got to eat it all!
At the end of Science week, Ruth from the SCP came to our class to do some STEAM activities with us! We talked about how STEAM included science, engineering, technology, arts and maths and what kind of jobs use incorporate STEAM everyday – our list went on forever! We loved cracking the code and following/giving directions to one another.
We then used our engineering skills to build our own straw rockets. We followed instructions and then raced them in the corridor. Well done to Sam who’s rocket travelled the furthest distance!
Fáilte ar ais go dtí Frása na Seachtaine!
Nuair a bhíonn báisteach an – trom is féidir linn a rá…
Má tá sé ag stealladh báistí caitheann a lán daoine cótaí báistí chun fanacht tirim.