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21 Oct

We have our anti-bullying month in the school next month. Each child will be given a badge with the image above on it and will do lessons in relation to anti-bullying throughout the month. We also have a range of colourful canvas posters around the school with anti-bullying messages on them. The badge contains words in relation to anti-bullying which are explained below.

Compassion- Pity and concern for someone if something bad happens
Acceptance- We’re all different and we need to appreciate this
Friendship- Treat others the way you would like to be treated
Respect- You don’t have to be best friends with everyone but you do need to respect everyone
Kindness- Try to be kind to people who need your kindness the mostC

19 Oct

Check out some of the numeracy activities Junior Infants have been getting up to this month with patterns and numicons.

18 Oct

We have been busy baking and cooking again this year and love learning lots of different skills during these lessons. We are very lucky that Mrs. Kelly has the BEST recipes for us to try and it’s definitely our favourite time of the week! So far this year we have made homemade sausage rolls, scones, apple pie, jam tarts and garlic bread.

Through baking, we learn lots of important life skills, as well having the chance to practise some Maths concepts in real life. For example, every time we bake we get the chance to measure out ingredients, estimate how long each recipe will take to cook, time how long our dishes need in the oven and at what temperature and calculate how much each dish costs to cook. We have also started to compare the price of home cooked meals to those items we might buy in the shop for a quick breakfast or lunch fix and found out that home cooked meals are much more reasonably priced (as well being absolutely delicious 😋)

Mrs. Kelly shows us that it’s possible to bake/ cook any of our favourite dishes and we all agreed that our homemade sausage rolls this year were top notch – some even rated them 10/10! 💯😁

After every baking lesson we have the chance to practise our recount skills by recalling exactly what steps we took to make our dish. We also get the opportunity to practise our procedural writing skills when we record our recipes. If anyone needs to know how to make any of our delicious recipes so far, just ask! We’d be happy to share 🙂

Presentation is also key 👍 Mrs. Kelly helps us to present our final product in a very professional looking way! We had great reviews from our families and friends about how delicious our baking tasted. A huge thanks to Mrs. Kelly for all her help and for making our baking/cooking lessons such an enjoyable part of school!

14 Oct

We have been learning about the environment in 6th class. We have put together a podcast with some tips and tricks to help everyone to be more environmentally aware. Let us know if you have any questions, enjoy!

6 Oct

And just like that we’re back! Senior Infants have been getting up to a lot this month and settling in to their new class! Have a read of what we’ve been doing.

Teddy Bear Picnic 🐻

Senior Infants were invited to attend a Teddy Bear’s Picnic. This was to represent the lovely display that was created by a man in the local area which included a lot of teddy bears. To top it off, RTE2’s News2Day came along and recorded it all. The following week, we watched ourselves back on TV! There was a lot of excitement as you can imagine! 😁

Aistear 🏘️🧱🎨

We had a lot of fun in Aistear this month, we learned all about our school and our homes. In the roleplay area, we pretended to be Karen in the office and took on the roll of other people working in the school. We also played in our house with our kitchen and used our imagination and created yummy meals and set the table and of course cleaned up when everyone was finished.

Other Aistear areas we had fun in were with construction, planning and building our own houses and we learned all about our senses – particularly touch and all about our fingerprints and how they are unique to us. We painted our fingers and left our finger prints on a black page in bright colours!!

Our Sounds and Letter formation 📝

We spent a lot of time revising our sounds from last year and practicing our letter formation. We used play dough to create the letter ‘t’, have a look below.👏

We have had a great start back to the school year!! 😄

23 Sep

We are very excited to be back completing some STEM challenges! STEM activities give us a chance to practise our Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths skills and to have some fun 😊 Check out our first STEM challenge of the year in Ms. Kane’s class below!

For our first challenge we were given the task of designing of a tin foil boat that could float while holding a number of cube blocks. It appeared to be an easy challenge at first but it required some careful consideration when it came to designing and making the boat so that it could take the weight of multiple cubes.

We planned out our designs carefully and discussed what features our boats needed – sturdy bases, high walls and no holes! We sketched our designs to help keep us on track and then we began to build. When we were happy with our creations, we predicted how many cubes our boats could hold whilst remaining afloat. We poured 2 litres of water into a box and began to test the strength of the tin foil boats. We were surprised that the boats could remain floating with lots more cubes aboard than we had originally estimated.

We then had the chance to make our designs even better and challenged ourselves to make improvements so that the tin foil boats could hold even more cubes. Designing and redesigning is a very important part of every STEM challenge and allows us to improve on our work – just like real life scientists and inventors do.

Most teams chose to create higher walls in the tin foil boats so that as they began to sink, it took a while for water to make it’s way into the designs.

We were very proud of our efforts when we confirmed that every team made adjustments that meant their boats could hold far more cubes the second time.

We discussed gravity and how gravity pulls everything on Earth down. That’s why we don’t float around, like astronauts in space do. We also learned a new term ‘buoyancy’. This refers to the way in which some objects can float on water. When our boats were empty they were buoyant and as we added cubes to the boats, gravity took over as the more powerful force and pulled the boat into the water – sinking it when we added too many cubes. We kept a careful count while observing when this occurred and recorded our scores so that we knew just how many cubes the boat could hold while still floating.

Take a look at our display outside our classroom that explains just how we carried out this design and make STEM challenge.

27 Jun

We’ll be back at the end of August. Have a great summer everyone!
22 Jun

Welcome to our virtual graduation ceremony for the class of 2021! The slides will be live from 8pm tonight.

During the day today, we held a socially distant ceremony in person for our 6th class – sticking to our pods – with a very small number of staff spread out around the hall. This evening, we invite our families and friends to celebrate with us!

Our mural this year reflects the time we spent on Zoom. Click on each child’s face to view their individual slideshow of photos from their time in St. Peter’s.

Click on the trophy to the left of the mural to watch the presentation of Student of the Year. The trophy on the right is for Sportspeople of the Year and the football represents Mr Vance’s thoughts on the Students vs Teachers competition this year.

The top photo of the class is a slideshow of their time in the school.

The bottom photo is a few videos and photos from this afternoon.

Finally, the graduation balloons will take you to a full video of the ceremony, including the comments on each student and the presentation of certificates.

And a special mention to Leah, Kayleigh and Haylie who song the verse for our song ‘Gotta Be’ by Des’ree!

We hope you enjoy and we wish our students all the best for the future. Please leave a comment congratulating our graduates underneath!

21 Jun

5th Class have been very busy so far in June. Paddy and Mr. Foley set up a fantastic sports day for us with lots of exciting events to take part in. We had lovely warm weather and enjoyed being outside.

First we completed the high jump. Have a look at us soaring to great heights!

Next we competed in some relay races.

We completed an obstacle course

We took some shots in basketball and football.

We ended our activities with a tug of war

31 May

Discover Primary Science and Maths 2021 Application

Welcome to our submission for the Discover Primary Science and Maths award for 2021. This is our 16th year taking part in the Awards, although this school year has been a little different! Once again, we are applying for the Plaque of STEM Excellence. This award is given to schools that carry out extensive work in science, technology, engineering and maths, all of which are very important in St. Peter’s.

This is the 7th year that we have had Junior and Senior Infants taking part in the award! It is great to see the young scientists have so much fun learning about science and maths. Each year we try to put an even bigger focus on STEM across the school, with a whole school approach helping us achieve even more in this area. This has also meant, due to current circumstances, that we have broadened our scope to encourage STEM at home, which has been both challenging and exciting.

You can read all about it and see the evidence below. It has been great to see the improvements we can make towards helping our school incorporating STEM as a way of thinking, rather than as a stand-alone subject.

All of the pupils are seeing that STEM is about the skills required to learn science, technology and mathematics, and how engineering and design processes and principles are used to achieve an outcome. As students of STEM, we identify a problem. We then need to create possible solutions to the problems, which we can then go and test.

Yet again, a huge amount of work has gone into this application. Every single class in the whole school has taken part, so a big well done to all the pupils and teachers! For the ninth year in a row, we are using our blog to submit our award and to link back to our activities that have taken place during the year.

Step 1: Science

For this step, we carried out hands-on science investigations under the four different strands in classes throughout the school, and home. We also tried to include maths in these investigations where possible, linking in with Step 4.

  • Energy and Forces: This is always a popular strand as it really excites the children with fun experiments to engage in. Check out the Balloon Rockets and rockets made by 3rd class as part of science week, learn about space, catapults and parachutes with 2nd class or floating and sinking with 1st class.
  • Living Things: Being situated in a coastal town in the Garden of Ireland class love to learn about the sea and nature. Here 5th class looked at the Sea Creatures and the importance of keeping our seas safe from pollution and plastics while Senior Infants learned all about flowers and caterpillars and gardening with their Aistear theme of the Garden Centre.
  • Environmental Awareness and Care:  

Learning all about environmental care 5th class looked at oil pollution and experimented to see which materials are more absorbent for cleaning oil. Ms. Kane’s class looked at Eco Racers and designed fuel-less cars to see how far they could travel.

  • Materials and Change: 

Junior Infants used magnets to explore materials that are magnetic. 3rd Class Mummified Tomatoes while learning about Egypt and during school closures Ms. Lohan set whole school STEM challenges. One of our favourites was making Homemade Ice-Cream.

We love an opportunity to undertake STEM projects and were lucky enough to undertake a number of Science projects before school closures this year. 6th Class took part in Reelife Science and produced the film Nettles. All classes took part in Science Week including Ms. Kane’s Class learning all about coronavirus and won an ESB Curiosity Box. 5th Class took on a Space theme and 4th class looked at transport and hot air balloons

Step 2: Technology

The second step in the application is ensuring that technology was used by our pupils. As a previous winner of the Junior Spider Awards, technology has become a part of every-day life in St. Peter’s. We were also awarded the Digital School of Distinction award, which showcased the effort and time we put in incorporating technology into our daily school lives.

We believe this is true for children at all levels. Mr. Kinsella’s Junior Infant class have been have loved early programming activities with Beebots while Ms. Wemyss’ 5th class have been using Lego Wedo a lot this year. They have loved getting to play with the kits and programming them and engaging with the interactive lessons using the Lego Wedo software. You can read all about their engagement with designing, building and coding the Lego Wedo robots or building snow ploughs to clear marshmallow snow.

We see the importance of integrating technology across the curriculum with pupils using cameras, tablets, animoto, and the blog, as well as apps such as Class Dojo and Twitter, to showcase the work that they have been doing during the course of the year. Some examples include Kahoot Quizzes, researching projects, and target boards in Maths.

With using technology regularly we recognise the importance of online safety and marked this when we celebrated Safer Internet Day through home learning this year.

As you can see from our submission, we have continued to implement technology in our day-to-day teaching and learning, even at home, with maths and science at the forefront of this. You can check out all of our tweets from the year @stpetersbray!

Step 3: Engineering

For the third step of our application for the DPSM Plaque of STEM Excellence, we have had a big focus on the Design and Make element of science. Our staff have worked previously in conjunction with St. Patrick’s College regarding professional development in STEM. A big part of this focused on the Design and Make process, and helped us make sure STEM was an integral part of our engineering activities.

We like to start our engineers early and Ms. Conway’s Senior Infants began with building Lego Castles this year. Ms. Meaney’s 1st class designed and built their own dog kennels. 2nd Class made and raced their own Rubber Band Racers. 3rd class tried their own engineering challenges too and constructed their own biscuit houses biscuit houses and Knex Rockets and we were very excited that while exploring the theme of space Ms. Kane’s class tweeted about building their Robot Arm which was liked by Commander Chris Hadfield.

Step 4: Maths

Throughout our Science investigations, all classes looked to incorporate Maths as much as possible and like opportunities to explore concepts in a fun way like celebrating Maths Week in the school. Here Junior Infants used patterns to colour their own  Snakes and Ladders game and made Paper Aeroplanes with the help of Maths TV.

We love the chance to explore real world Maths whenever we can and one example of this is baking in Ms. Kane’s class focusing on measuring ingredients and timing their dishes.

With department recommendations this year of using open spaces and getting out of the classroom when possible, classes took advantage of this with 2D Shape Hunt in Senior Infants, outdoor patterns in Ms. Cronin’s 2nd class and a Maths Hunt in 1st Class.

Integrating technology with maths is an important skill and application of this can be seen by 5th Class using tablets to work out their Black Friday discounts on class Dojo prizes.

Step 5: STEM Showcase

As a school we know how important it is for students to present their work to an audience, especially with all the hard work put into STEM initiatives by pupils and staff. We always love taking part in initiatives like Science Blast and were featured in April last year on RTE’s Nationwide Programme to discuss our history of engagement with primary science events through the RDS. This gave us a chance to showcase a couple of strategies we use to promote STEM throughout the school. Typically, classes present their learning during Assembly or at our own showcases but this year was obviously a little different.

Learning from home has challenged us to come up with new ways of using technology to assist distant learning for our pupils. Class used Study Ladder to set online science tasks for pupils and Ms. Lohan set whole school STEM challenges through our school blo such as looking at Magic using pressure with students sending in their own results  or featuring walking paper animals with some fun pupil designs.

We couldn’t include all our STEM activities as our teachers and pupils work so hard throughout the year on this but we hope you enjoyed reading a few examples from our submission for the SFI Discover Primary Science and Maths Award!