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28 May

















This year, the Bray Lions Club is celebrating its 25th Anniversary with the theme of ‘Past, Present and Future’. To celebrate the present, they planned the ‘Better Bray Challenge’. The Lions Club do great work in our area and we were delighted to play our part in their community project this year, as we all work to make Bray a better place to live, work and play.

Our goal in St. Peter’s was to keep the area outside of our school grounds cleaner. We planned to do this by making the whole school aware of our goals and also by having classes pick up litter each week outside of the school grounds.


27 May

On Friday we held a Community Cake and Book Sale which was a huge success! Our Parents’ association organised the whole event and did a great job.

We were snowed under with the amount of books that were donated by parents and pupils during the week, which along with the cakes brought in, made the day an event that everybody enjoyed. It was great to see people from the community come in to our school, enjoy a cup of tea and then walk away with a handful of cakes and a box load of books!

After the success of the day, this is something we hope to repeat again in the future. A big thank you to everyone who helped organise, donate, and support the day.

24 May

Ms. Hyland’s boys were busy painting the summer months for our summer project. We picked nice, bright colours that remind us of summer.

What is your favourite season?

Summer Art 3


24 May

Congratulations to all the boys in 6th class who made their Confirmation recently!


Thanks to Sister Patricia and Father James for their help in preparing the boys for the Sacrament and to the folk group for singing at the Mass. Thanks also to the (more…)

22 May

To celebrate National Spring Clean Week 2013  we went to pick up rubbish in the area around the school in order to help our area to be the cleanest it can be. It is so important to take care of our environment, and the boys in St. Peter’s love to do all they can to make our area neat and rubbish-free. (more…)

22 May

Congratulations to the boys in 2nd Class who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday, 18th May. It was a great day and the boys worked so hard to prepare for it. Many thanks to Sr. Patricia for all her help all year to get the boys ready for the sacraments of First Communion and First Confession, and also to Fr. James for saying the mass and welcoming the boys to the church for the Do This In Memory of Me programme over eight Sundays since last October. Thanks to Mr. Kinsella for all his hard work with 2nd Class, the boys are very grateful for all he did for them this year and we were all so excited that he was able to be part of the day with us. Mr. Curran also deserves special thanks for his help with hanging the art and helping the class to make up the design.

We hope you like some of the pictures of the day.

Do you like our art for the altar?



21 May

Sixth class began their transfer programme with Michelle from School Completion on Monday morning. Over the next few weeks, Michelle is going to help the class to get ready for secondary school. This morning, we moved our boxes to the library (more…)

15 May


Sixth class were recently visited by Jacqui from YoungBiz.

2013-05-15 11.43.06

First we talked about the qualities that make an entrepreneur – like ‘self-starter’, ‘risk-taker’, ‘creative’, ‘problem-solver’, ‘smart’ and ‘persistent’. (more…)

2 May

Here is an update on how our fruit and vegetables are growing in our classroom. We went to Lidl to buy compost and ended up adding to our collection. We bought a coffee plant, a rhubarb plant, a banana plant and a strawberry plant (in case our strawberry plants didn’t arrive in time). (more…)

1 May

A big congratulations to the boys in 2nd Class who made their First Confession last night. They were so well behaved and were a credit to the school. The boys sang three songs, performed the Lost Sheep story and prepared some beautiful art to decorate the church. Well done to Adam in 6th Class who drew a fabulous picture of a shepherd for the altar. Thanks to Sr. Patricia for her help in preparing for the night, and to Fr. James and Fr. Larry for hearing our confessions. We are all now looking forward to our First Holy Communion on the 18th of May at 11am.

Some of the art the boys prepared for the church.

Some of the art the boys prepared for the church.