Want to know everything about Ireland, and in six minutes? Check out this amazing video!
One of our most popular events every year is our 6th class project for the Primary Science Fair at the BT Young Scientist Exhibition. We love how much the students learn from it and the confidence they get from demonstrating experiments, explaining the Science and showing off their hard work!
This year, we’re taking part in the Intel Mini-Scientist project as a way to involve other classes in the fun of displaying a science project. The exhibition will take place on Tuesday 3rd December at 10am and it promises to be an amazing day. 4th, 5th and 6th will display individual, paired or small group projects at the exhibition and judges from Intel will come out and ask them questions about their project. More details will follow as we move along – plenty of blog posts, I promise! – but for the time being, today’s ‘Wednesday for Parents’ deals with the initial dilemma of ‘what will I do for my Mini-Scientist project?’ (more…)
Cross country is a running event that lots of different schools enter.
Second class will be able to enter next year, but this year, eight people from each class entered it in teams.
It was a tough competition for all the runners in Arklow.
We had a good day. All the classes were having fun.
Andy was the runner of the day.
All the classes had class photos taken. We had a good time on the bus. Everyone was singing on the bus.
A big thanks to Paddy and everyone who came along, including Ms Sexton and Ms Byrne.
Everyone said we were on our best behaviour and we did our school proud.
By Oisín, Aaron G, Davy, Andy and Ryan (5th class)
Thanks to everyone who helped out at the recent Open Day! Thanks to the parents (and kids) who helped to set up and then provided tea. coffee and refreshments for the day. Thanks to the Parents Council who put in so much effort to help to organise the day.
Thanks to all the parents and students who delivered the leaflets to homes and local businesses.
Thanks to all the people who sourced prizes for our raffle. A special thanks to all the local businesses who helped out with refreshments and prizes:
- Costcutters, Bray
- Tesco Express, Shankill
- Dunnes Stores, Bray
- Get Fresh, Bray
- Centra, Bray
Thanks to everyone who took part in the day, to the students for their performances and for working so hard in the weeks coming up to it and to the teachers for preparing them! A special thanks to Ms Whyte for all her hard work to show off St Peter’s as the wonderful school it is. Congratulations on the success of the day – we look forward seeing you at the next event! If you missed the post with all the photos from the day, you can find it here.
We are all so excited about the arrival of our new MaKey MaKey board to St. Peter’s. MaKey MaKey is an invention kit for the 21st century that turns everyday objects into touchpads when you combine them with the internet. It’s a simple Invention Kit for Beginners and Experts doing art, engineering, and everything inbetween! We love our one and we all spent today trying it out.
Why not check out the MaKey MaKey video above to give you an idea about how it works and we’ll show you what we made tomorrow!
2nd Class are learning about why it is important to wear your seatbelt. We are learning to put our seatbelts on because it is so dangerous being in a car without your belt on. We are seatbelt sheriffs and are reminding people to buckle up! Itis against the law to not have your seatbelt on. We have sheriff badges and it is our job is tell people to put on their seatbelt.
Have a listen to our podcast to hear more! Find out more info here!
by Codie, Caoilynn, Billy, Abbi, Kelsey
[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/115436124″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
By now all of you would have seen our new year brochure that we distributed around the area ahead of the Open Day. Many thanks to the boys and parents who delivered them to local shops and homes.
If you know of anyone who would like a copy then contact Karen in the office or direct them to this post!
So, it’s been a busy week on the blog this week! If you missed anything, you’ve come to the right place!
The headlines this week are:
- Second class began their Irish dancing classes in the hall – their video showing off their steps can be found here
- Third class received lots of compliments for their beautiful reading corner here
- Fourth class celebrated their fantastic attendance here
- Fifth and sixth created a post about their peace posters for Bray Lions Club here
- St Peter’s has a twitter account – you can find it here – plenty of photos and quotes from our pupils (more…)
5th and 6th made Peace Posters over the week. There was a good few nice ones and they will be put into a competition. There are hundreds of entries internationally and loads locally. There is going to be a Bray competition. Lots of people drew doves for the sign of peace. We were not allowed to put words into it because it’s an international competition.
The Bray Lions run the competition in Bray. We did it on A4 for a practice and A2 for the real one. You should do one yourself! Check out our animoto video showing what we have entered. Do you like our work?
“The boys in 3rd class are learning about telling the time in Maths this week. We are using our mini clocks to help us. Some of us found it a little tricky at the start but we are much better now. We are having great fun and even got to play the time game ‘What time is it Mr. Wolf’ on our interactive whiteboard! ” – Chris and Lex