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23 Oct

Happy Halloween to everybody in St. Peter’s and the viewers from outside our school worldwide. Everybody in Fourth Class has written a scary story for Halloween. Some were as long as 3 pages.

After we finished writing them, some of our stories were recorded on Mr. Foley’s iPad. We used an app on the iPad called “Soundcloud”. Some of the pupils who recorded did it in hilarious and scary voices.

Mr. Foley recorded some boys while others were working. Of course when everything was going great Mr. Foley deleted the first two stories by accident! Nine boys recorded their stories. They were Carl, Abhishek, Dylan W, Alan, Jack B, Luke, Jack J, Stephen and Alex. If you’re brave enough to listen to our stories, click on the podcasts below….

Written by Stephen, Jack B, Mason, Alan, Abhishek, Dylan M, Jack J, Tommy and Dylan W.

[soundcloud url=”″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

[soundcloud url=”″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

[soundcloud url=”″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

22 Oct

2013-10-17 14.03.49

Last Thursday, as part of Maths Week, we took part in a Maths Table Quiz. Paddy and Mr Kinsella, after much deliberation, split 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes into mixed teams of 4 for the quiz in the library. The quiz was provided by Seomra Ranga, always a great source of resources for primary schools. You can check out Seomra Ranga here! Thanks to Ms Byrne, Ms Sugrue, Ms Kane and Mr Staunton for correcting the quiz papers and for keeping the scoreboard up to date. Ms Sexton read out the questions and the jokes. Thanks to Paddy for taking the photos! Well done to Team 14 who were the winners – Eduard from 6th, LukeMc from 5th, Alan from 4th and John from 3rd, who had the most amazing reaction to winning!

Well done to everyone who got involved and thanks to Seomra Ranga for a really enjoyable afternoon – it was a great addition to our activities for Maths Week 2013! Any good maths jokes??


22 Oct
Our very spooky Pumpkin jars!

Our very spooky Pumpkin jars!

2nd Class are just so excited for Halloween. We have learned songs, rhymes and poems in Irish and English and we made toffee apples and pumpkin jars. We even had some báirín breac to see who would get married first!

Later in the week we will play Halloween games from long ago, bake Halloween topper cupcakes, carve pumpkins and make our trick or treat bags. We are using our English, Gaeilge, Art, Music and History lessons all about Halloween this week!

The toffee chocolate apples we made, they were yum!

The toffee chocolate apples we made, they were yumm


Here are some of our rhymes and poems!

[soundcloud url=”″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]

Here is some spooooooooky music!

[soundcloud url=”″ width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]


21 Oct

Fifth class learned how to use GoAnimate today. Here’s the first in a series of Halloween jokes that we made to practise using GoAnimate. This is by Andy and Ben!


Halloween Joke – Andy and Ben by stpetersbrayblog on GoAnimate

21 Oct

This week for Maths Week, we decided to search for Maths in our environment. We based it on the ‘Have You Got Maths Eyes’ project – you can read more about it here. Most photos were taken outside of school on phones, tablets and cameras, while a few were taken in the yard. Andy even found a picture in the newspaper and cut it out.

Take a look at our photos. Can you answer all of the questions?

2013-10-17 13.08.19

What kind of shape does the roof seem from this angle? What shape would it be if you were looking at it straight on? – Ben


20 Oct

In 1978, St Peter’s beat Scoil Íosagáin in the final of the Millar Shield in Croke Park. Christopher O’Keefe is at the top left of the picture. He played in goals on the day and a huge thanks to his son Chris O’Keefe, who provided us with the photo and gave us permission to share it on the blog! Big thanks also to Ray Howard, who put Chris in contact with us. Ray played for Scoil Íosagáin and scored two goals on the day!



20 Oct

Welcome to our second edition of the St Peter’s Post!

As always, this post is a handy place to catch up on any news from the week that you may have missed during the week!


This main headlines from this week were:

  • This week was Maths Week 2013 and there were a number of events taking place, including a table quiz on Thursday. The quiz was thanks to Seomra Ranga and went down a storm! Congratulations to Team 14 –  John from 3rd, Alan from 4th, LukeMc from 5th and Eduard from 6th – who came top of the leaderboard. Blog post to follow on Monday, when the team members are presented with their prizes!
  • This week saw the first cross-country event of the year in Arklow – well done to all who took part! You can read all about it here. Also, congratulations to the boys from 5th class for putting together such a great write-up of the day.
  • 2nd class became Seatbelt Sheriffs this week. What does that mean? Check it out here ! (more…)
18 Oct

Student Council Logo

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18 Oct

When others in our class go to Friday Fit Club we have a Project Club. We do art, crafts, poetry, computers and podcasting in this time. We get better at some of our favourite things. We decided to make a video showing our school Halloween decorations. We are good at Animoto and used it for our video.  Do you like our scary school?

– Casey, Codie, Dylan, Dylan, Kayden, Dean T

If you can’t see out video, please click here!!

17 Oct

We’re so excited to show off what we have been doing with our MakeyMakey board. Have  a look to see what 2nd and 5th have invented – a human piano, a banana piano and a PacMan controller that works with the computer even though it is just made by pencil and paper. We love Science! Do you like our video?

If you can’t see the video click here!