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16 Nov

5th and 6th class went on a trip to Glasnevin Cemetery. We had a tour guide who showed us the graves of some historical fugures in Irish history, such as Daniel O’ Connell, Michael Collins and Eamon De Valera. We heard stories of the 1916 Easter Rising, the Irish Civil War and rebellion!
We learned lots of information and we had a great day!

16 Nov

We have been working hard in 3rd class with our science week activities. We are learning about space this month. We made these rockets using just paper, tape and a straw! Have a look at our blast off 🚀👨‍🚀👩‍🚀

11 Nov

Fourth class took part in Intel’s Mini- Scientist Competition last month. They did an excellent job experimenting, designing and presenting their projects to the school. A big Congratulations to Lucy, Layla and Elena who were chosen to represent our class in the next round of the competition.

7 Nov

This month in Senior Infants we transformed our Aistear roleplay into a potion lab. We had lots of fun making potions and spells buy combining our different ingredients to make our disgusting potions.

In the play dough area, we made trick or treat sweets, a witch’s broomstick, a web for a spider and lots of other Halloween themed items!

Our Roleplay Potion lab
Inside the Potion lab
Potion lab vocabulary

Our other Aistear station was carving pumpkins, Senior Infants did a brilliant job taking out all the seeds and cleaning the pumpkin.

We made a lot of Art for Halloween, check it out below.

Our Pumpkin Patch
Our Witches hats

During Maths Week one of the activities we did was making Pattern hats which we could wear. We made AB and ABC patterns.

Finally, on the last day before the midterm we had a Halloween party where we dressed up, danced to music and made spooky eye chocolate apples!

7 Nov

Fourth class have started Anti-Bullying Month by describing what bullying means to them. Take a look!

We learnt three important points about bullying today;

Bullying is….

  • Hurtful
  • Repeated
  • Deliberate.
25 Oct

6th class were very lucky to have Mrs. Doyle teaching them for the past few weeks. We took part in fantastic lessons and learned so much! We studied themes such as sustainability and the environment, autumn and our local area and took part in such fun, interactive Gaeilge lessons!

We also took part in some great debates, learned how to sew and presented reports we drafted to the whole class. Thank you so much to Mrs. Doyle, we hope you can come back to visit us soon!

24 Oct

We had a great time celebrating Maths Week 2022 in 6th class and took parts in lots of fun activities!

We thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Maths Week Mini Quiz with Franz
Schlindwein, on Zoom. There were lots of interesting questions and we practised the day before with some fun brain teasers – see if you can have a go here:

Do you know the answers?
Problem solving skills in practise!

Then we took part in a Maths trail in the school and yard areas, that involved putting our Maths skills to the test.

We split into groups and followed the instructions as accurately as possible.

The trail involved measuring, calculating area and perimeter, observing and tallying results of data collected, measuring and recording time and comparing results with other teams to determine accuracy!

21 Oct

Junior Infants loved taking part in Maths week, along with all other classes in the school. We started the week with some number runs and maths games. We got a chance with a break in the weather to do some chalk drawings in the yard, practising our shapes and numbers.

We also got to incorporate some IT into our numeracy lessons. We had great fun using the interactive whiteboard for maths games, try out some of the numeracy apps on the class tablets and even got to do some programming using the school Beebots!

20 Oct

We have been loving #mathweek on third class! We have been very busy doing some fun activities.

We did a STEM experiment and linked in with maths week. This experiment was the water cycle in a bottle. We used capacity to measure the amount of water in the bottle.
We made some spooky potions and measured how much liquid was in each potion!
We watched maths week t.v and learned some really cool tricks. Dr. Ken Farquhar showed us the maths behind juggling which was really cool.
We did some cool riddles on the board together. Can you figure this one out?
20 Oct