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17 Dec

Yesterday 2nd Class read the story of The Little Match Girl. It is a sad story that reminds us to be grateful for all of the lovely things that we have in our lives at Christmas time. We decided to record the nice things that we want to do this Christmas to show true Christmas spirit. You can see our wishes in our video above and hear our promises in our podcast below!

Thanks to our great friend Seomra Ranga for helping us to say our Christmas Spirit ideas and for making the lovely signs!

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16 Dec

Mini-Scientist – Sam, AaronG, Davy and LukeOB from St Peter’s, Bray on Vimeo.

Today Sam Smith, Luke O’Brien, Aaron Gray and Davy Berry-Connell went to represent St. Peter’s in Intel.-Aaron

We all had a great day in Intel even though we didn’t go through to the grand finals-Davy

There were loads of great projects out there and there was over 5000 workers. There is a huge lunch room-Sam

We are very proud that we got that far in the Mini-Scientist competition. -Luke

I had a great day out in Intel-Nugget

It was a great day in Intel. There was a girl called Sue that was doing a magic scientist show -Aaron

There were over 35 different projects in Intel-Davy

We got a hat and earphones as our prize for taking part-Sam

We all had great name tags and loads of people wanted to try our game-Nugget

We in St Peter’s are so proud of this group. They had a constant stream of visitors – both students and adults – and they explained their project really well to everyone. Everyone was really impressed by the standard of work and the group’s ideas. Thanks also to the parents of the four boys, who gave them so much support. We’re delighted to have taken part in the Mini-Scientist this year and we’re looking forward to it again next year. Thanks to Intel for the fantastic prizes and to Sarah and Emily for all their hard work organising it! Well done again boys – Ms Sexton

Nugget with his prizes!





16 Dec

While it is lovely to think of the delicious food, exciting toys, fancy decorations and fun days out at Christmas time, it is important not to forget the real reason behind Christmas. Here, boys from all of our classes will read the story of the First Christmas and remind us of the real reason behind this special time.

Our crib in 2nd Class, it is helping us to learn about The First Christmas!

Our crib in 2nd Class, it is helping us to learn about The First Christmas!

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16 Dec

On the 16th of December 2013, 6th Class were offered to go to Festina Lente horse riding club. To start off, 4 people went to a stable to ride on horses and trot. Eduard, Archie, Adam and Lester were first to go on the horses. We all had an amazing time and look forward to our next visit!

Sky, Dylan and Kevin were at the workshop first. They made soaps with the shapes of snowmen, Christmas trees, love hearts and stars. They had to pick their scent and colour to make it and then some of the people there put hot liquid in the shape of the person’s choice. They also made wishes to Santa, which they had to keep secret and to put it up the wishing tree to make it come true.

Thank you to Paddy and Ms Sugrue for bringing us, we had an amazing time.

Merry Christmas to all at Festina Lente.

By Archie, Eduard, Lester, Sky, Kevin, Adam and Dylan

15 Dec


Busy, busy times in St Peter’s! Mr Curran has been in this week sticking up our Christmas lights. The backdrop for the play has been drawn out and the painting has started. The many tubs of costumes have been taken out and lists of props have been drawn up. Actions to the songs have been learned and the lines run like clockwork. The class teachers have taken on a slightly frantic look at mention of class plays and sing the Cinderella songs in the staffroom without realising! We’re in the depths of the Christmas play and it’s as magical as ever! Of course, there’s lots of other things going on too and if you missed anything during the week, you’ve come to the right place to catch up… (more…)

13 Dec

Hello bloggers. On Wednesday the 4th of December there was a Science Fair in our school. 4th, 5th, and 6th class had to do Science projects, but sadly 2nd and 3rd couldn’t join the Fair. Finally the big day arrived. Two judges came around looking at our projects. The bird group from our class won the runners-up prize. Tommy, Dylan M, and Mason were in the group. All of them got a winner’s prize bag. Everybody who took part in the Science Fair got a goody bag.

By Jack J, Abhishek, Alan and Dylan W

13 Dec

This week in Fourth Class the answer has been revealed. The answer is Santa Claus. There are 63 questions up so far. Most of the questions are from our class. We think somebody might already have got the question correct. A boy from our class got the question last time. He was the only one. We know this new answer but do you know the question??

By Dylan M, Mason, Stephen and Calvin

13 Dec

Hi bloggers. Today’s post is about the Hallelujah Choir. Last Thursday we went to Citywest in Dublin and sang in the Hallelujah Choir. At half past one we got on the bus but Jordan went in by car. He collected food for us all on the way. We checked in and we had to rehearse for the choir. After the rehearsal we got our dinner. The doors opened at 6:30pm and over 3,000 parents watched us sing and dance. It was over at 9pm. When we got collected it was 10pm. Everyone had fun. The next day we could come in at 11am because we were at the Choir. It was a great event.

By Carl, Tommy and Jordan

13 Dec

Everybody has been extremely hardworking and busy getting ready for Christmas. We have been working real hard on the Christmas Plays. I think the plays are going to be better than last year. It has been one and a half weeks and all our class know our lines. The School Play still needs some work but we’ve loads of time. Mr. Curran came in and helped with our Christmas decorations. I hope you like the Christmas Play. The School Play is on the 19th of December at 11:30 am and 7pm.

By Jack B and Luke

12 Dec

We put our pictures out side the class room to show our toys that we drew for our toy show.

We also coloured jumpers for the display for the toy show.

We cut laminated letters saying St. Peter’s Toy Show and stuck them on a board out side the class room.

Most of us drew vehicles but Ben, Sam and Oisín made different toys.

by Ben and Andy

Goodbye Ratatouille bulletin board - What's on the menu for numeracy in St Peter's?

Goodbye Ratatouille bulletin board – What’s on the menu for numeracy in St Peter’s?

And presenting... our new Toy Show board!

And presenting… our new Toy Show board!

2013-12-12 15.48.47 2013-12-12 15.49.04 2013-12-12 15.49.10 2013-12-12 15.49.19

You can listen to our podcast from the day of the Toy Show here

P.S. Speaking of podcasts, we’ve been nominated for an Edublog award. We’d really appreciate your vote! See here for more information or vote below