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3 Mar

Seo an frása na seachtaine againn…

An aithníonn tú cá tógadh an grianghraf seo?

24 Feb

Fáilte ar ais chuig Frása na Seachtaine!

Táimid fós ag foghlaim faoin éadaí.

Déan iarracht do chuid Gaeilge a chleachtadh gach lá ar scoil agus sa bhaile.

Anois, is é frása na seachtaine seo:

Tá dath glas ar mo chóta.

Tá dath dearg ar mo hata.

Tá dath gorm ar mo scairf.

17 Feb

Fáilte ar ais chuig Frása na Seachtaine!

An mhí seo, beimid ag foghaim faoin ‘eadaí’!

Anois, is é frása na seachtaine seo:

Caithim m’éide scoile gach lá ar scoil.

12 Feb

Ms. Kane’s class carried out an experiment to discover how rain clouds work. Rain clouds are clouds that fill up with water. When the water gets too heavy, and the cloud can’t hold any more, it let’s the water out, and we see rain 🌧

First, we put some water in a jar/ glass and added some shaving foam to the top to act as the cloud.

We then predicted how many drops of blue food colouring it would take to make their way down through the ‘cloud’ and for it to start to ‘rain’ 🌧

We predicted 3, 10, 20 and 22 drops 💧

We then started to add the drops…. it only took 2 drops to reach the water!

We were surprised how quickly it rained! 🌧

We recorded our predictions, observations and results, just as real scientists do ✍️

We think it might be fun to try our experiment again to see if a smaller or bigger cloud (of shaving foam) affects how quickly it ‘rains’.

10 Feb

Tá sé an – fhuar inniu, b’fhéidir go bhfeicfimid roinnt sneachta go luath!

Má thosaíonn sé ag cur sneachta, is feidir linn an frása seo a rá…

5 Feb

We have had a busy few weeks in Ms. Kane’s class, taking part in lots of different learning activities.

Take a look here!

One of our favourite activities was tie dying t – shirts! Ms. Leggett very kindly helped us get organised for this fun activity as 1st class were learning all about clothes. We loved dying the t – shirts and are very excited to see our results 😊

We have also been busy updating our workstations in class. We added things that we loved and that are unique to us to make them personal and spaces that we can concentrate in. We love the results!

We’ve been working on developing our Literacy skills too. We’ve been taking part in Reading Eggs activities on our tablets, taking part in sound hunts in our tuff tray and have enjoyed rhyming games and writing words and sentences on our whiteboards.

We have also been painting and decorating our own ‘Rainbow Fish’. We read the story by Marcus Pfister and discussed what it means to be a good friend and how it can be nice to share with others.

We have also decorated our classroom door!

We made toast in class to have a nice, hot treat and to learn about fractions, specifically halves and quarters. We cut our toast into half first and then cut 1 of the halves into quarters. We like learning Maths this way, it’s delicious 😁😋

We also got to make some lovely puff pastry chocolate twists and pastries! This was a really fun activity. Firstly we spread chocolate spread on half the puff pastry sheet and then put the other half on top. We cut the pastry into strips and then twisted them before putting them in the oven for 15 mins. We also made pastries in a variety of shapes, including hearts, gingerbread man and stars. We decorated our pastries with icing sugar and sprinkles and brought them home for our families to try – we hope they love them 😁 We recommend these easy recipes as it is a great way to measure ingredients and time (Maths) and to recall the method used (recount)

Some other learning activities we took part in this month involved making sets in Maths, making jigsaws, learning how to play paired games like Snakes and Ladders (our new favourite!), using magnets to create art and playing musical chairs to practise our listening skills.

We hope you enjoyed our class update! Thanks for reading 😊

4 Feb

Seo an frása den tseachtain againn…

Tá mé fliuch go craiceann!

An bhfaca tú réamhaisnéis na haimsire an tseachtain seo?

27 Jan

Maith sibh go léir ag déanamh sár – iarracht le do chuid frásaí Gaeilge an tseachtain seo!

Is é frása na seachtaine inniu…

20 Jan

Táimid fós ag foghlaim faoin aimsir an tseachtain seo agus táimid chun díriú ar fhrásaí a bhaineann le an ghaoth.

Is é frása na seachtaine inniu…

Tá se gaofar!

An seachtain seo chugainn, ba bhreá linn cuid de do frásaí a fheiceáil ar taispeáint anseo.

Bheadh sé go hiontach dá bhféadfá cuid de na frásaí a scríobh síos agus iad a mhaisiú nó pictiúr a tharraingt chun a gciall a thaispeáint! Mar shampla…

13 Jan

Cén sórt aimsir atá ann inniu?

Is é frása na seachtaine…