Earlier this month we decided it could be interesting to learn more about the force and nature of hurricanes as the news was covering a lot on Hurricane/Storm Lorenzo. We decided undertaking a STEM challenge might be a fun way to do this! Firstly, we needed to carry out some research! We looked online for some footage of hurricanes and also read some helpful articles that advised people what to do in the event of a hurricane landing near them. We learned that hurricane winds can travel up to 200 miles per hour and that hurricanes form in the sea. They also tend to have heavy rain. The centre of...
We all know that chocolate is delicious when it’s melted to make chocolate brownies, Easter eggs or chocolate sauce 😋. Fourth class decided to try to find out at what temperature chocolate melts at. The question we asked ourselves was: Do all types of chocolate melt at the same temperature? Step 1: To investigate our question we chose to use white, milk and dark chocolate and placed them into tin foil trays. Step 2: We then made our predictions and estimates as to what temperature we thought each type of chocolate would melt at. Step 3: We then carefully added warm...
On Thursday morning, there was great excitement in St. Peter’s when we heard that Martin O’Neill, manager of the Irish soccer team, would be visiting! We were delighted to welcome him to St Peter’s, where he took part in a press conference and answered some of our questions. He had great advice about believing in ourselves and working hard to practise our football skills. Afterwards, 6th class and some of 5th demonstrated a drill for him and had the chance to shake his hand. Judging by the levels of excitement, it was a day not to be forgotten. A big thanks to Martin O’Neill,...
Light and Materials 3rd class have been learning all about light this month! First we chatted about some different light sources. We brainstormed loads of different sources of light in our groups and discussed how important light is in our lives. Ms. Seery then told us about a problem she was having… Her two boys like to read when they go to bed, but they keep waking each other up because their torches are too bright! She asked us to help her by designing lamp shades so that everyone in her house could get some sleep and still read! We discussed the different kinds of materials...
The whole school took part in our Green Schools Action Day on Friday the 10th of November. We dressed in Green and all classes took part in lessons and activities around the theme of litter and waste. We also focused on our school garden and we looked at improving this area. Junior Infants created a town called Juniorville using recyclable materials they gathered from home. Senior Infants gathered recyclable materials, sorted and classified them before creating their own junk art inventions. 1st class planted some seeds for our school garden. These included peas, brocolli and rocket which...
In March, Dylan and Adem (3rd Class) and Kyra and Carla (2nd Class) made their way on the Dart to the Royal Irish Academy of Music, in Dublin City Centre. They had worked hard every Tuesday for months, after school, on their poem, mime, story, reading and theory, in preparation for their Grade 1 and Grade 2, Speech and Drama exams. After the exam, Dylan, Adem, Kyra and Carla enjoyed some treats in a lovely little cafe beside the Academy, before hopping on the Dart back to Bray. Their results arrived last week and all 4 of the boys and girls did incredibly well! They should be SO proud of themselves...

2nd class have been learning all about our bodies in science. After chatting in our pairs about what we thought our hearts did, we then examined our wrists to find veins. Some of us thought they were blue, some purple and some green. When we held them over our heads for a minute they started to feel cold and numb. We thought maybe that’s because it was harder for the blood to get to it when it was up so high. Then we looked at finding our pulses. Some of us had seen in movies how doctors and medics check pulses, but we had never done it ourselves. We found that we couldn’t use our...
Hi everyone! 5th Class here, and we’re going to tell you all about how we celebrated Engineers Week 2017. Firstly, we explored the work of engineers. We had a special project to complete on the interactive board in school! We also looked at this wordle challenge completed by some of our brothers and sisters a couple of years ago. We’ve started #engweek17! We built a word wall, looked at the work of engineers and we prepared for our afternoon challenge! #5thClass pic.twitter.com/8kgipCJ35I — St. Peter’s Primary (@StPetersBray) March 6, 2017 For Engineers Week this year we: Completed...
The Green Schools Committee have been hard at work in picking litter each week. We have noticed a distinctive decrease in the amount of litter which has been collected. We have been allowing enthusiastic non-members to join our litter picks in preparation for the National Spring Clean which will be happening in Early April. Litter beware!!! Our worst blackspot 🙁 Taking our litter picking to the next level 🙂 We are very excited to be welcoming a visitor to the school later this month. We will be learning all about composting and how we can use this as a way of decreasing the amount...