This afternoon, 2nd and 5th classes joined forces to read together! 2nd class read their readers to 5th class, while 5th class encouraged them to sound out words that they weren’t sure of, praised their work and asked them questions about the stories. Afterwards, 5th class read a picture book to their partner (and made sure to do the voices!) 5th class had chosen a picture book earlier in the day and practised reading with expression and fluency. Ms Fry and Ms Sexton were really impressed with how well the two classes worked together, but don’t take their word for it – here are...
Earlier today, two buses of 1st to 5th class students set off on the school tour of 2015 in Fort Lucan. Everyone had a fantastic day and we were extremely proud of the behaviour and school spirit of all the students who went along – lots of smiles in the photos below! This Vine sums up how well the day went – sleepy heads on the bus home are a good sign of a great day out! Lots of fun on the trampoline! Red slide or blue? Which did you choose? You can find photos from our school tour 2014 here and from 2013 here!
Last Friday, we had a new twist on an old tradition on St Peter’s – the Mini-World Cup! You can read all about last year’s Mini-World Cup here. This year, we had three Mini World Cup tournaments – Junior and Senior Infants played in the morning, 1st and 2nd classes played between break and lunchtime and the older classes had their tournament after lunch. Here are a few photos and Vines from the day – and you can read more about the infant classes and their tournament here.
Over the last two weeks in Make-It Club, first and second class explored lots of different reusable materials to make junk-art robots out of. They worked in groups of five to design and make robots out of recycling from home. They used Easter egg boxes, egg cartons, milk cartons, bottle caps, scraps of string, pipe cleaners, paint strips, tinfoil and pretty much anything else that they could find in their recycling boxes. They worked so well in teams, with everybody having a part to play and even had better imaginations than their teachers when it came to using different items for different parts....
Thanks to everyone who made our open morning for Grandparents’ Day so special. It was lovely to have you visit our school. We had grandparents, neighbours, friends of the Parish and our Mams and Dads in to see our rooms, work and performance. We performed a couple of classics from previous shows and had a lovely time. Thanks to our Parents’ Association for their hard work and time spent serving tea, coffee and other lovely treats! We can’t wait for Grandparents’ Day 2016!

Today in Make-it club, our first and second class budding artists stepped back in time to create some Medieval bunting flags for the Wicklow Arts Festival! All we needed was a chopped up bedsheet for our material, lots of markers, a couple of homemade stencils and some historical inspiration. We are very proud of our end results and they will be tied together and put on display in Wicklow Town on the 23rd and 24th of May as a part of the Wicklow Arts Festival! For more information see

Today, first and second class had great fun getting creative with sand art in Make-it club. We used large coloured chalk to change the colour of sand (well, salt actually!). It was fun to see the colour changing but we had to try really hard to keep it on our pages. Then Ms. Byrne, Ms. Sexton and Ms. Fry all helped us to pour the colours into our bottles using funnels. We worked as a team to decide which order to put the colours in and helped to tilt the funnel to make different patterns! Our bottles were looking pretty well and when we finished them we decided to stick a nice message on them...
We all dressed up! The #studentcouncil would like to thank everybody for dressing up for #WBD2015! We are going to post school picture collages now! — St. Peter's Primary (@StPetersBray) March 5, 2015 6th Class dress-up for #WBD2015! #DorkDiaries — St. Peter's Primary (@StPetersBray) March 5, 2015 More 6th Class dress up! #WBD2015 #DiaryofaWimpyKid — St. Peter's Primary (@StPetersBray) March 5, 2015 2nd class are a Mr Men (and little Miss) library for #wbd2015 We've been busy making costumes this week!...
Make-it club, our new after school club for first and second class, got off to a great start with our exciting Hamma bead creations today! We had great fun choosing all the colourful beads to put on our pegboard and then our creations were ironed so all the beads melted together. The pictures were taken off the pegboards and tomorrow we get to take home all our finished products! There was a great turn out from first and second class and all the boys and girls are looking forward to all the fun things we get to create in the coming weeks…. Watch this space!
Welcome to our catch up post about the 1st and 2nd class Christmas play – ‘Stable Manners’. Stable Manners tells the story of three animals, Bessie (played by Adem), Cecil (played by Maddy) and Chuck (played by Cian), who are arguing over who will get to have Neddy’s stall in the stable (alas, poor Neddy!). They wait impatiently for the decision from the innkeeper (Liam) and his assistant, Heimi (Emanuele), but they get a shock when two unexpected visitors show up – Mary and Joseph, played by Naoise and Thomas. Throw in two robbers, Grabber and Snatcher, played by...