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12 Feb

Ms. Kane’s class carried out an experiment to discover how rain clouds work. Rain clouds are clouds that fill up with water. When the water gets too heavy, and the cloud can’t hold any more, it let’s the water out, and we see rain 🌧

First, we put some water in a jar/ glass and added some shaving foam to the top to act as the cloud.

We then predicted how many drops of blue food colouring it would take to make their way down through the ‘cloud’ and for it to start to ‘rain’ 🌧

We predicted 3, 10, 20 and 22 drops 💧

We then started to add the drops…. it only took 2 drops to reach the water!

We were surprised how quickly it rained! 🌧

We recorded our predictions, observations and results, just as real scientists do ✍️

We think it might be fun to try our experiment again to see if a smaller or bigger cloud (of shaving foam) affects how quickly it ‘rains’.

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