Senior Infants have had a great first month back! They have been very busy. Have a look below to see what we have been up to.
Here are our first day in Senior Infants pictures, we’re already excited to compare them when its our last day and see how much we’ve grown over the year!

This month’s Aistear theme was ‘The Home’. We were learning a lot about our homes, different types of home and discussing all about the inside of our houses and the different rooms. In the roleplay area we played house, where there was a kitchen that we cooked for our family and played in role as different characters. In the construction group, we built different types of houses using LEGO. During the playdough station, we created ourselves using playdough mats and in our fine motor station, we cut out and glues different items that belong in different rooms on a blank house sheet.

We have been busy practicing sorting and did a really fun big sort in the hall, have a look at the pictures below.

We have also been practicing our number formation 1-5 so that we are all ready to learn about our new number 6 next week!!