After our nice Christmas break, Senior Infants came back refreshed and ready for jam packed few weeks!
We started learning all about the airport and airplanes in Aistear. Our role play corner became an airplane which we made passports to board, of course. We discussed who a Pilot was and what there on the plane was.

We built airplanes in our construction corner and use small runway cut outs so that they could pick up speed before lift off.

In our Art area, we spent lots of time making a plane picture from clothes pegs, lollipop sticks. We painted our materials and glued them together. Then, we made clouds from cotton wool so it looked like our planes were flying in the air.

In Maths, we have started learning about weight. We weighed different items in the classroom, with a bucket balance, to find which were heavier and which were lighter. We have also been learning all about the number 8 this month!

Finally, we made our goals for 2022. We drew pictures of activities we wanted to start doing, things in school we wanted to get better at, and some even drew pictures helping out at home more!