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19 Apr

Rubber Band Racer

We spent some time studying renewable energy and different types of renewable materials. Making this rubber band racer was a STEM activity we did to explore the different ways to create energy and movement.

We had to carefully insert the chassis pieces into the cardboard box to make the rubber band racing car balanced.

Working together in the groups we fitted both wooden pieces before putting on the wheels. It was quite tricky adding in the rubber bands during this step but with a little help we managed to get it in.

The Race!

At the end of the lesson we had a race with all of our rubber band racers and had lots of fun! We talked about how we could make our racers faster, what materials we could use to substitute the ones used and discussed the possibility of creating future cars using this idea.

Plastic Pollution in our Oceans

Keep Our Sea Plastic Free

We spent a lot of time learning about the effects plastic has on our oceans and sea life. We studied how plastic has become such a huge part of our lives and how difficult it is to find effective alternatives. We created some lovely artwork using plastic bottles.

We spent some time collecting plastic materials such as bottles, straws, containers etc. and we used the bottles and straws in our art lesson to make some ‘plastic fish’. We hung them up outside our classroom to remind people about the effect plastic has in our oceans.

One Response to “Activities in 2nd Class”

  1. Mr Vance
    1:31 pm on April 22nd, 2021

    I love your fish second class. How come I didn’t get a chance to race my car?

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