Our whole school ‘write and draw a story’ task is a great way for us to get creative and there have been lots of fantastic submissions, both written and illustrations, from lots of pupils who are eager to continue the story.
A huge well done to all those who are taking part and remember, it’s never too late to get involved!
Bex has sent us on another message and included the developments of the story for this week:

️I am delighted for you all to be back at school again and wish you a wonderful first week back all together – it is lucky that there’s a break on Wednesday to give everyone a chance to settle back in after such a long time away – even having to get up so early!
AGAIN what absolutely fabulous artworks and imaginative ideas. I cannot tell you how much I am loving receiving your ideas at end of each week. It is literally a present in my email box. Thank you.
I have added to the story and now have a new question for you to ponder…
All the best, Bex.
Check out the updated story:

This week we are responding to the question ‘What happens next’?
Remember you are the authors and we can’t wait to hear your ideas!