Hello everyone! Well done for sending in such wonderful artwork last week. They were so bright and colourful. 😄 Completing the art challenge will earn you some extra Dojo points which all go towards Spin The Wheel. Send your pictures to your teacher on Class Dojo or to the School WhatsApp.
Your art challenge this week is based on a famous painter called Pablo Picasso. He was born in Spain in 1881. He loved to paint, draw and create sculptures. He made over 1,800 paintings and some of them have been sold for more than $100 million! Have a look at some of his paintings.
Follow the step-by-step instructions below to create your own Picasso face! The link below brings you straight to the website.

When you are finished drawing, add some bright colours to your masterpiece!
Once your work is finished, send a picture to your teacher on Class Dojo or to the School Whatsapp and it could be added to the blog next week. You will also earn some Dojo’s for your class which all count towards Spin The Wheel!