Welcome back to the new school year! This month, we’re starting with 6th class, who are showcasing some of the work they’ve been doing in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) so far.

We started by reminding ourselves of some of the great work we did with Ms Kane last year in 5th class! We read ‘Rosie Revere, Engineer’ which talks about the importance of perservering and we discussed how a setback shouldn’t stop us from trying again.

Our first STEM challenge of the year seemed easy! In our pairs within our pods, we had to build a tower with just two pieces of A4 paper. We were allowed to use a glue stick and a scissors to cut and stick the paper (not turn them into the foundations of the building as some groups tried!)

After twenty minutes, our towers had to stand by themselves for at least ten seconds. We measured the ones that could do this and found that Kayleigh and Callum’s tower was the tallest at 85 cm. This project taught us a lot about perseverance and not giving up easily!
12:18 pm on October 2nd, 2020
I loved how different all your designs were 5th class. Thanks for posting!