This week 3rd class took on the tricky STEM challenge of building their own bridge!
They had to research bridges and then design one based on their research. They could use any materials they wanted but the bridge must have been strong enough to hold a food can.
Once they had their ideas down on paper, they began the hard (but fun) part – building the bridge. And when this was completed they tested out its strength by using a food can on top.
Some had to amend some areas and make slight changes but the results are fantastic, check out the pictures below, I was so impressed.
Super work rang a 3 🌟

11:21 am on May 11th, 2020
Excellent bridges guys. A few future engineers in the making!
1:09 pm on May 12th, 2020
Brilliant work – so many fantastic designs and I love how you tested them too!
12:00 pm on May 13th, 2020
These are amazing. Well done, I’m very impressed!
5:15 pm on May 13th, 2020
Amazing work 3rd class! Such creative designs and well built bridges, they look very strong!