Our task for Monday was to design and create a marble maze using a variety of materials. Here are some of our creations.

‘Feed me’……..created by Liam

The aim is to get the Malteaser into it’s mouth. Not as easy as it sounds.

Summer has cleverly added in a riddle for the player to solve before progressing through her puzzle.

The route is clearly mapped out for the user to save any confusion.

Karl has used the idea of a football pitch. He has some very tricky holes in the pitch for the player to navigate with the marble. Here he is encountering a problem with his design. The marble is too big to fit into the goals to score. This problem was solved very swiftly by Karl by some very clever engineering. Well done!!

Some very clever design by Alec. Slight movements are needed for this maze to be completed as the matchsticks weren’t as accommodating to the marble.

Perhaps one of the trickiest mazes designed to date. Tried and tested by many without any success so far (even by the designer 🙂 )
Feel free to call in and test these out for yourselves 🙂
3:51 pm on March 8th, 2017
Well done 3rd class
11:13 am on March 9th, 2017
Well done everyone
11:13 am on March 9th, 2017
Well done boys & girls
11:14 am on March 9th, 2017
Great work 3rd class