Senior Infants have had a busy month. We continued our work on Money – working first on the bank and then onto the post office. We’ve been writing constantly thanks to our post office and we expect that December is going to be very busy too!

This is our attendance tree. We’re working to get apples to earn rewards. It’s really important that we are in school every day!

Sadhbh was in with us for a week on work experience. She was a fantastic addition to our classroom!
Literacy stations
Here are some of our videos of our literacy stations. We have different stations every day including fine motor, reading, blending, DEAR (Drop Everything and Read), writing, nursery rhymes and listening and speaking. Literacy stations are very busy so the best way to share our work with our parents is to take short videos and share them on Class Story (on Class Dojo). If you have lost your code or would like an additional code for another member of your family, let Ms Sexton know.
We did a lot of work with printing this month. We experimented with colour and with different textures.

Unusual printing techniques!

Beautiful colour mixing printing by Max!

We played with some leftover sugarpaste. It was different to PlayDoh – very sticky and smelled much nicer. We really enjoyed making snowmen with it.

We also worked together to create an Advent wreath!
We’ve been having great fun in the Post Office this month!
We love PlayDoh and our work constantly impresses our teachers.
We love Lego and it has taken over our construction station. Look at our fantastic creations full of imagination!
Small World
We set up mini-towns (and Jurassic Parks!) for Small World station.
We used puppets to create shows. We made tickets and signs for our performances. Look at the emotions our puppets are showing!
We’ve had lots of fun with GoNoodle over the last month! We’ve also done lots of work in PE on balancing and mirroring. You can see some of our work below.
We use a lot of hands on Maths – especially counting, games and Ready Set Go Maths activities.
Show and tell
We love bringing things in that we’ve made at home. Look at these beautiful books, pictures and constructions! Such a talented bunch in Senior Infants.

Cillian and his mum made cake for us!
11:36 pm on December 5th, 2016
Brilliant work x