This is our Senior Infant update for last week! We use Class Story with Class Dojo every day to keep our families in the loop about all the goings on in Senior Infants, but here are some of our photos of our work from last week.

We’re learning about the colours. Last week, we learned about primary colours. This week, we learned all about secondary colours and made colour wheel umbrellas.

Lots of fun in the Aistear sand stations during the week

The socio-dramatic station was the construction yard and the architect’s office this week.

We used pictures of famous buildings to inspire our constructions during Aistear.

We revised our work on the senses in SESE

A fantastic book that we read this week!

Our Mondrian art display!

Paired reading during our literacy stations

Using our blending books during literacy stations

DEAR time during literacy stations

Fine motor skills and sight words during literacy stations

We visited the church on Friday and lit candles.

Ms Whyte gave us lollipops for being so good!
Always working on our Jolly Phonics!
You can find all of our posts from Senior Infants here.
September posts from Senior Infants
October posts from Senior Infants
2:43 pm on October 11th, 2016
Brilliant work guys