This week, in Senior Infants, we’ve continued our unit on ‘food’. Our favourite part of the day continues to be Aistear and every day, there’s an improvement in imagination and creativity! The stages of Aistear are ‘Plan, Play, Review’ and we’ve become very good already at sharing our ideas with each other. To help us, we’ve started using Aistear copies to reflect on our learning.

Look at our drawings and labels in our Aistear copies!
This week, our stations were Socio-dramatic (the kitchen), Sand, Construction and Small World. This week, the Socio-dramatic area changed from a coffee shop to a restaurant. Some of our new vocabulary included:
- specials
- courses
- order
- recommend
- bill
- change
- tip
- Madam
- Sir

Look at how beautifully laid this restaurant table is for our special customers!

The sand station on Monday made popcorn with lots of different flavours and then when they sold out, they became a bakery and decorated cakes!

The construction station on Tuesday built a restaurant and made an outside dining area. They were worried about it raining on the customers so they made umbrellas!

The construction station on Wednesday spent a lot of time working together to build a skyscraper hotel! This group had lots of fun rebuilding when certain stories fell down and changed their design along the way to make it stronger.
The real star of this week’s Aistear though was the Small World station. Our amazing Liz built a Small World pizza station with pizza paddle, lots of toppings including grated cheese and a beautiful pizza oven with labels. The class got so much fun and learning out of playing with the Small World station this week. Thank you so much Liz!
The class have requested to keep the Small World station next week as a takeaway as, during the week, the Small World Pizza Shop started supplying the restaurant with pizzas and they’re ready to expand their business! Noah found a toy phone for us to take the orders but we had to consider how we were going to phone in the orders. As part of our STEM work, we made string telephones. Our big question was ‘What material makes the best string telephone?’ We did a lot of preparation work this week on observations and fair testing and next week we’re going to test them out properly.
In other news this week…
- We’ve been working really hard on our Gaeilge. We try to speak it as much as possible in the classroom and in the corridor. Well done to Heidi and Brooke, who have been leading the way, saying ‘Go raibh maith agat’ and ‘Maith thú’ to the people who hold the doors open for us. Also, a big thank you to Aoife from 6th, who helps us with our cómhrá every morning. We sang ‘Lá breithlá shona dhuit’ to her on her birthday (and Grace’s) this week!
- We’ve been working hard to revise our Jolly Phonics – particularly our Tricky Words and our blending.
- On Friday, we did Music. Ms Byrne came in to help us and we really enjoyed it. We learned to sing the scale and we played with the bells and the chime bars. Ben has requested the drums for the next time and Kayah is really looking forward to playing the triangle!
- Michelle came in with forms for the Busy Bees after-school club – it will take place on Wednesdays.
- And finally, four of our very hungry caterpillars are now in their cocoons and we’re waiting for them to become butterflies. Ms Sexton moved them over into their bigger space and we got to see the chrysalides up close. They tremble when they think that there’s a predator around – it was very exciting to watch. We can’t wait to see them as butterflies!
You can find all of our previous posts from Senior Infants here.
12:13 pm on September 25th, 2016
Ah that looks amazing