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14 Apr

juniors 13

The green table tied with the red table for table of the week! They kept their table clean and tidy and were kind to others. They are a great team!

juniors 12juniors 11Great work!


juniors 10Excellent word work!

juniors 14

The red table tied with the green table for table of the week!

juniors 9This boy has been doing great work on his words.juniors 3









These boys and girls got a prize and certificates for their lovely  handwriting.

7 Responses to “Junior Infants have been working hard!”

  1. Senior Infants
    9:20 am on April 15th, 2016

    Well done Junior Infants, you are all working so hard!

  2. Ciara
    12:04 pm on May 16th, 2016

    Brooke says “thank you very much senior infants, you are really nice and kind.”

  3. Ellen (Noah's Mum)
    11:25 am on April 18th, 2016

    Amazing work everyone!!!! Well done – Super proud of you Noah!!!

  4. Ciara
    12:03 pm on May 16th, 2016

    Noah says I love you mam!

  5. Bernie carton
    4:15 pm on April 18th, 2016

    Well done grace and green table

  6. Ciara
    12:05 pm on May 16th, 2016

    Grace says I love you mam.

  7. Bernie carton
    1:50 pm on May 28th, 2016

    I love u too grace xx

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