Well done to the Student Council who encouraged everybody to do so many lovely random acts of kindness for our RAK (Random Acts of Kindness) Week.
They travelled around to the various classes to find out some of the lovely things that went on!
In Junior Infants, Jake helped his brother when he fell. Jasmine helped somebody who fell on yard too! Joey helped to clean up his kitchen with his Mum. Ruby watched TV with her Dad to keep him company.
In 3rd Lana held the class the door open for people and she also opened the gate for Les. Barry was nice to a new student and Tristan made his bed without having need to be asked. Tadgh helped Emmanuel when he was hurt and Barry made his bed. Kevin held the door open all week for other people and Des cleaned room without needing to be asked. Maddie surprised her Mammy with a bag of sweets and she emptied the dishwasher too!
In 2nd class everyone made a special effort to play with the new students in the school. Ava helped Alex when he hurt himself and Sean helped his Mam with the housework.
Kelsey loaned somebody a little bit of change in the shop and Dylan bought his mum something nice in a shop without needing to be asked!
Johnny in 6th Class told us he helped Luke with his phonics. Chantelle in 5th Class gave Ms. Whyte a helping hand with jobs in school and Kayden in 4th took the dog out without needing to be asked.
These are just some of the random acts that people did. Well done everyone! This week is Buddy Week!