It has been very busy in Senior Infants over the past couple of weeks! We really enjoyed celebrating Grandparent’s Day, planting with Junior Infants and Second Class and learning how to follow directions during P.E. We have been presenting our work to the class in pairs and co – operating to finish some new jigsaws! We are having lots of fun working in pairs and groups during our lessons and hope you like our photos!

Oisín, Ned and Marie worked really well together as a team.

Haylie, David, Liam and Gary filled in their card in record time during our P.E. lesson on orienteering!

Competition time!
We worked in pairs to put together some new jigsaws too – working together meant that the jigsaws were much easier to finish!
Seán and Aansh worked really well together illustrating a story we were listening to during the week. They presented their work to the class – we were very impressed!

Retelling the story ‘What Planet Are You From Clarice Bean? using pictures. The boys created some really fantastic images!