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25 Sep
The Grand High 'Vitch', who says the lines that we learned off!

The Grand High ‘Vitch’, who says the lines that we learned off!

6th Class have learned off lines from The Witches by Roald Dahl and have been performing them in class! Would you like to have a listen? We’ve been working on our accents!

13 Responses to “Drama performance in 6th Class!”

  1. Ms. Sexton
    8:12 pm on September 25th, 2014

    Great stuff 6th – excellent accents! That piece of poetry is fantastic – you have to love Roald Dahl!

  2. oisin
    11:52 am on September 26th, 2014

    I really enjoyed doing the poem and the book is very good too!

  3. oisin
    11:53 am on September 26th, 2014

    I really enjoyed doing the poem and the book is very good!

  4. sam smith and johnny connors
    11:53 am on September 26th, 2014

    This book is great, we have read half of it and watched half the film. There are a lot of differences!

  5. andy wall
    11:56 am on September 26th, 2014

    ‘Ve’ love the ‘vitches’ it’s a great book!

  6. aaron judge
    11:58 am on September 26th, 2014

    I had great fun doing it

  7. Emmet Carey
    11:58 am on September 26th, 2014

    it was great fun. we watched the movie and read the book.

  8. aaron judge
    11:58 am on September 26th, 2014

    I had great fun doing the voice

  9. robertkeating
    11:59 am on September 26th, 2014

    We did this drama and I thought it was very fun thanks Ms. Brennan!

  10. Taylor
    12:00 pm on September 26th, 2014

    The vitches was really good to work on it is such a good book and movie

    by Taylor and Davina

  11. Davy
    12:02 pm on September 26th, 2014

    I love the witches it’s a class book!

  12. Ameesh
    12:02 pm on September 26th, 2014

    I really loved watching the witches

  13. Ameesh
    12:04 pm on September 26th, 2014

    I had fun reading the book

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