Our title was ‘Rollercoaster on a poster’ and our question was ‘what effect does the surface have on how far a KNEX car travels?’
We found out that tinfoil was the smoothest surface so it helped the car to travel faster. We timed it by using a stopwatch. There was very little friction between the tinfoil and the KNEX wheel, so there was nothing to slow it down.
Our favourite part was Ameesh’s victory dance. We liked building our KNEX structure with Mr Kinsella. It was easy to explain our project to the judge and she gave us a good comment.
Thanks for reading about our project.
AaronJ, Ameesh, Andrei, LukeMc
7:40 pm on January 9th, 2014
the rollercoaster looks hard and fun to make:)
7:52 pm on January 9th, 2014
I like your work. It looks like fun. I will ask our teacher to do this too. I hope she says yes!
1:32 pm on January 10th, 2014
Looking cool lads.
2:24 pm on January 13th, 2014
I’d say it was a lot of work!
2:26 pm on January 13th, 2014
The rollercoaster was hard to make!
2:30 pm on January 13th, 2014
We had good fun.