Hope the midterm is going well!
Just a short post this week to point out a few good websites with Halloween games and activities. Don’t forget this list of activities from last week for things to do out and about over the midterm
- 1Halloween has lots of ideas for costumes and decorations. They also have plenty of colouring and activity pages, along with a few simple games.
- PBS Kids is a nice one with lots of activities for younger children
- Scoilnet is an Irish educational website with lots of activities for students. This one is more suited to senior classes (3rd class up)
Haven’t carved the pumpkin yet?
- The Telegraph gives you the ultimate guide to carving a pumpkin.
- The stencils they talk about in their guide? You can find free ones around the web, including these ones from BHG!
Don’t fancy breaking out the carving knife?
- Make a paper pumpkin with strips of orange paper – instructions from jellyfishjelly
- Cover jars in crepe paper, like Ms Brennan’s class did:
- Or you COULD let the kids paint the pumpkin:
(Image sourced here)
As always, although I’ve checked out the websites, I can’t guarantee that they’re completely free of pop-ups, ads etc, that could lead your child to a different site. We recommend that you supervise your child’s use of these sites carefully!
Finally, here’s a photo of one of the prize winners from the Virginia Pumpkin Festival in Cavan. St Lesarian’s Special Needs School in Co. Carlow grew it in just three months – it weighs over 40 stone! Carving that would be a Halloween horror story in itself!
Happy Halloween!