This week for Maths Week, we decided to search for Maths in our environment. We based it on the ‘Have You Got Maths Eyes’ project – you can read more about it here. Most photos were taken outside of school on phones, tablets and cameras, while a few were taken in the yard. Andy even found a picture in the newspaper and cut it out.
Take a look at our photos. Can you answer all of the questions?

What kind of shape does the roof seem from this angle? What shape would it be if you were looking at it straight on? – Ben

If I wanted to paint this door, would I need to know the perimeter or the area to work out how much paint I needed? – AaronG
4:32 pm on October 21st, 2013
I didn’t even know the answer to my maths question at first.
6:36 pm on October 22nd, 2013
Pictures look awesome!