We are in 2nd Class and this is our very first blog post on our own! We are so excited to tell you all about the great things we did to celebrate Roald Dahl Day today. Roald Dahl is one of the best children’s writers and we love his stories. We have Roald Dahl day on September 13th as that was his birthday. We remembered our favourite people and places in his books. These are some of the things we did.
1. We had a joke competition because Ms. Brennan told us that one of Roald Dahl’s famous lines is that ‘A little nonsense now and then is cherished by the wisest men!’. This means that even if you are very old and clever that it is important to laugh. Jamie won the competition and we had a laugh-o-meter! His joke was ‘Why didn’t the skeleton go to the disco? Because he had no-body to go with!’. He won a special Roald Dahl bookmark.
2. We made dream jars to look like the dreams the BFG makes for children. We brought in jars and used food colouring and other things in the art press to make pretty things float in the jar. Don’t they look nice?
3. Ms. Brennan has been reading Danny, the Champion of the World to us since we started school. We love the story of Danny and his Dad. We give this book 10/10.
4. We made LICKABLE WALLPAPER! This was great fun. We made it to remind us of the part in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory where the children get to lick the walls in the factory! It was so fun.
5. We decided to write some sentence backwards because he did it too. Esio Trot is a story by Roald Dahl and he has lots of parts of it backwards. It was great fun. Can you understand what Caitlin’s message says?
6. Finally we wore some yellow ribbon because yellow was Roald’s favourite colour. Everyone was stopping us and asking us why we were wearing yellow. We had to explain why and everyone knew then why we were wearing yellow, to remember Roald Dahl.
We hope you like our post. We worked hard today. Do you have a favourite Roald Dahl book? Why not let us know which is your favourite in the comments box? See you soon!
4:19 pm on September 13th, 2013
Well done to all of the boys and girls! We had a great day.
ps. The SNOZberries really did taste like SNOZberries!
4:24 pm on September 13th, 2013
Wow what an exciting day you have had. My favourite Roald Dahl story has to be Fantastic Mr Fox. I also love The Minpins. My son who is 6, loves Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I love your blog and am looking forward to reading about all your adventures in school this year.
6:53 pm on September 13th, 2013
Second class, it looks like you’d a fantastic day! I loved the Dream Jars – they looked amazing!
Such a lovely way to introduce you all to the important place Roald Dahl has in St Peter’s – we have Roald Dahl month later in the year and our Christmas plays are based on his Revolting Rhymes!
My favourite book is ‘The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me’ – we used to have a cassette tape of it for long car journeys! (I should have said ‘audiobook’ instead of cassette tape – it would have made me sound a lot younger!)
9:36 am on September 14th, 2013
The lickable wallpaper was gorgeous, I’m glad I dropped in! Well done, I was very impressed.
1:20 pm on September 16th, 2013
The dream jars looked cool.
10:06 am on September 19th, 2013
It looked fun on raold dahl day – the dream jars looked deadly!
10:07 am on September 19th, 2013
Well done 2nd class!
10:07 am on September 19th, 2013
It looks like 2nd class had good fun making the dream jars!
10:11 am on September 19th, 2013
The lickable wallpaper looked cool.
10:36 am on September 19th, 2013
I like the dream jars.
11:06 pm on September 19th, 2013
It looks like 2nd class had fun making the dream jars!